Are you feeling passionate about something and keep running into something around you that you are finding solutions for, but you see a group of people going around and around the same old mountain and never finding the solution.
You may be a forerunner for a certain cause! A forerunner is a person or thing that precedes the coming or development of something or someone else.
This means change within us, and it also means within the people we deal with and our atmosphere. Sometimes we have to step back from status quo thinking and work on ourselves. We have to find solutions in our lives so we can help find solutions in the lives of others.
It’s not easy being a creator…sometimes people think you are crazy, sometimes people don’t want to follow and sometimes they don’t even understand what you are saying. That’s okay, there will be the ones that need to hear your voice…that are tired of being stuck and want to change.
Insanity is doing things the same way and expecting a different result. Insanity is being stuck and being in a rut. There are so many different “systems” that families, businesses, and churches have. I think one of the biggest mistake most “groups” have is getting stuck in the same old patterns and not being willing and open to the new!!
Sometimes even the “new” is done in the same old way! I am someone that was thrown into change after change after change in my life so it made me comfortable with change and open to learn new ways of survival. Being in a box no longer works for me! I have seen a better way than that!
If you are needing help finding your “why” or your “where” contact me. We can talk about this! Until we’ve blazed a trail, we can’t help another blaze a trail. We have to have a process to follow and a plan or we keep going around that mountain!
We have to do it ourselves!
We have to care about others!
We have to love relationship!
We have to understand boundaries!
We have to be in God’s will and purpose!
We have to be in the right timing!
We can do this!
See you soon!
So true! Thank you for the inspiring words! It is so easy to get stuck in a rut. Even if you find a way to break out in one area of your life, if you are stuck in another area, you spin in circles and that holds you back!
Thanks Kim👍🏼❤️
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Bridget!!🥰