Walking it out

Well, shifted some things around, made a few changes and ready to go. How many know that change is good? If I feel things starting to stagnate it is time for a freshness and SHIFT. It almost feels like a closing in feeling, can’t stand that feeling.

Some people may not even notice that feeling but I do. It’s like you feel like you are trying to manufacture things instead of it flowing smoothly. I guess it comes for people that are trying to create things. I have to be sure my words are not coming from me, that they are coming from heaven..if it comes from me it can get tainted and turn people off.

So, life is so good, busy, fun and exciting! Tomorrow Marty and I get to speak somewhere, On Valentine’s Day!! That is so fun and such a turn around from where my life used to be and could have still been if God hadn’t rescued me!! He’s so good!

I think what I like to do is to show people that Christians can just be normal folks. We don’t have to be loony tunes trying to cram things down people’s throats or trying to always convince people of things. We just live it, enjoy life, and love people. Very simple!

We are all not that much different from each other, really. We don’t have to all be the same! We don’t have to be the Holy Spirit for other folks. We just have to keep looking in the mirror at ourselves and working on ourselves! That is a full time job for most of us so we don’t need to be trying to fix someone else’s problems all the time!

If we really believe in God and trust Him then we can let things go into His hands and know it’s taken care of. I know I’m making that sound so easy but if you pursue freedom with everything you’ve got it just automatically happens.

Im not trying to say nothing happens to me that’s bad, as I’m typing just found out my credit card hacked and internet shut down because that’s how payment is made, but I just keep on trucking and keep on typing!! Right? Yep just keep on keeping on!! Expect opposition, don’t let it stop you! Expect distractions, don’t let them stop you!

We just have to figure out what our priorities are in life!! Plow toward them not getting distracted by other things. Let God deal with the other things! It’s not all ours to deal with!!

Hope y’all have a fabulous day plowing through “stuff” !! It’s really all ok and there is a solution! Don’t get in self pity! Don’t let it get to you!!

Keep on keeping on!!

Better times around the corner!!

Talk more soon!❤👍🏼