Turn it around!

Well we crossed over into February… it’s feeling so much better in 2022! I actually plunged into another company “Color Street” and making my mom’s and my nails so, so pretty! I have this fetish about success stories and companies that started with nothing and made it big!

Even all these mamas in America that were able to stay home and take care of their families because of these companies! So much wisdom is to be heard from these ladies and the sisterhoods that have helped them all along the way. I joined Mary Kay when my children were young and I was going through a divorce…it gave me something to hope for and enjoy and take my mind off of negativity. That was years ago… so much wisdom from these ladies!

I joined Lemongrass Spa natural Bath and Body and Skincare right in the middle of the pandemic! It sent me all these luxurious products during quarantine and all the other calamities last year. I had a spa event at my house once a month and got together with women! We supported each other!

I joined Color Street after my mom got better from a fall and we both needed a pick me up to look forward to, while she has been recovering! It’s been fun! These things and the success stories actually give women something to dream about again!

My mom actually did have a dream the night before I did her nails and dreamed she was going to a ball with a big, red dress and her beautiful nails! If we hadn’t been doing that she wouldn’t have dreamed that!

Marty is back to himself now and has the kitchen in our upstairs finished and we have decided on the other side of the upstairs to make the whole area full of beds and sleeping for as many as we can and a bath for retreats! I have had this dream my whole life!

I remember when I had a salon many, many years ago and I rented the whole building. I would go in the upstairs and just picture it being a place for women to come and retreat and get pampered! I had no one to help me build and I had no extra money! I was young and had such big dreams!

I would have a gathering every once in a while and gather women and have lunch together! We would encourage each other and build each other up! But it wasn’t time yet… I had to wait many more years and go through many more things! I’ve jumped in and joined anything I could in my path and created anything I could to bring me to this day!

My last book “Restored to Bloom” talks about sowing seeds to reap a harvest. That’s what I’ve been doing. Making lemonade out of lemons! Doing little things to help people’s lives come up higher! Any little thing I can!

That dream is being rekindled again! God is providing divine connections to help and enjoy this dream with me! Really? How can it all turn around so quickly? This Saturday having a vision board gathering! It’s snowing like a blizzard and all schools and businesses shut down today, which is Thursday!

Whoever can be here will be here! It’s not about how many… it’s about that one little person, that one little heart that needs to be healed! Jesus left the ninety nine and would go after the one! I will make some soup and Brigid bringing the veggies and if it is just us two or even just me I will put my vision on a board for God to see!

It’s about our hearts and our faith! It’s about our Father making a road in the wilderness! It’s about Him making a way where there is “No Way.” He is the “Waymaker!” He has done unbelievable things! Just believe!

Do not give up!

He will make a way if you don’t give up!

He will give you double for your trouble!

He’s not mad at you!

You are worth it!

See you soon!

jill 🌸


So thankful to have made it through 2021 and through our Covid Christmas season to a brand new year. My word for this year is PEACE and that is basically all I have put on my vision board so far this year and it’s January 27.

I want to hang on to PEACE as long as I can and camp out there a bit. Last year was a year of Marty very close to death with Covid in the hospital, my mom fracturing two bones in her back with a fall, and I even ended up in the ER where I had never been before after a UTI.

We all made it through, and ended the year with Marty and I having Covid for Christmas. So thankful that my mom didn’t get it while she was staying with us, and we sat all the Christmas things out on the porch for our kids to get.

Let’s fast forward to now. I’ve had much of a sabbatical to regroup, relaunch, reinvent, and retreat. I spent a few days thinking all dreams were over and that I was just older now and I could watch the young ones enjoy their dreams. But God! He turned it around.

I think when Marty had to sit all those days in the hospital feeling like he was going down, it was a trauma for him. I kept wanting to fix it all year and wanted to fix my mom’s situation too. I could do a little but my hands were tied in many ways. I had to let them go through whatever they had to go through.

We do have to let others go through whatever they have to go through and deal with whatever they have to deal with. As the year went on some things started falling into place and finally when Marty and I sat in the hospital room getting the monoclonal antibodies I believe Marty got even more healing emotionally, this time he wasn’t alone. This time we were conquering it together. I had no idea that something like that would bring him back to himself, but it has.

Maybe he felt abandoned by God before? Maybe he felt like a failure? I’m not sure, but we definitely have to all remember not to judge what others are going through and remember that we are all in this together. There are no definite answers for any of the madness!

Today I’m feeling more slowed down, more in the moment. Not jumping right in, I am thinking a moment before I say yes. I even had a couple of dreams that took me back to where I used to live and people that I used to know there. It made we call old friends and check on people. I found out many were gone from this earth now.

This gave me a kick in the booty to remember the dreams that are inside of me. I’m still here! I’ve got things to do while I’m here. Marty and I have things to do together! We can’t let distractions and opposition stop that! It’s a new season and time to move forward with all the things that we have learned along the way!

Slowly I’m dreaming again!

If we are still here we can’t stop!

If you need help getting back up let me know!

We ARE all in this together!

There is strength in numbers!

See y’all soon!!

Love, jill 🌸

Peace for 2022

I have decided for sure now that Peace is my word for 2022. I have learned early on how to live with “Peace in the midst of a storm.” I have learned it even more through the year of 2021.

It is very important that we all shut out the clutter and chatter in our minds and listen to that still, small voice. It’s the voice that shows us our flow in the earth. It’s the voice that keeps us in peace no matter what.

Every voice that is speaking to us is not the voice that we need to hear. The voice I need to hear for 2022 is the voice of Peace. I just received a planner for 2022 for a gift and this is what the first page said and it’s confirmation to my soul!

There are moments when I think about all of the honors that my dad received from the army with WWII. I’m sure there were many moments that he had to choose to agree with PEACE in his mind and not war. I believe he left that legacy with me and my call is to help people live in peace in their lives and in their mind, not anger and torment.

Politics is not my call… my call is helping people walk through normalcy. If it is your call I applaud you, but it is not mine. There were three angels that were left behind when my dad passed to help me walk this out. Faith, Courage, and Provision. They are helping me to fulfill this call.

Something that I have seen in 2021 more than anything else is that mostly what I am doing is behind the scenes. I won’t be in a big platform in front of people. I will be in the trenches. God taught me to see that what He thinks is important for my life is what is important, not what I think is important. I’m re-invented. It wasn’t easy but I receive it. I may be misunderstood and rejected at times but that’s okay. I don’t have FOMO…”fear of missing out” anymore.

My lane is a good lane for me. Your lane is a good lane for you. I love your lane. I am for your lane. I’ve learned how to accept people’s different ideas and beliefs and not be against them even though they are not mine. I’m for peace.

My hope is that you are blessed through 2022!

I hope that you find your flow and your purpose!

We all are important and have important purpose on the earth!

My hope is that you will find your call and purpose!

If you need help in doing that… let me know!

Happy 2022!

See you next week!

jill 🌸

Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081DJRM9Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_20R8ZH79Y6WE1GP2AS6K

After the pause

Our whole month of May was on pause in some ways but very active in other ways. As for social events we were in quarantine, as for private events we were very busy.

To be perfectly honest, Marty almost left the planet. I watched an extremely active, nonstop person within a few hours get taken down to nothing.

That’s when all the arguments about “should I get the vaccine, should I not”…get brought down to the reality of, “What are you saying Father?”

Each and every person has to make their own decisions about things. After Marty was on remdesivir for four days, along with our Heavenly Father entering the room, he got a miraculous healing and his chest started popping and cracking and he was home two days later.

Then I get things sent to me about how bad remdesivir is and I didn’t ask anyone for any information. The same way the day after my first vaccine I got information sent to me about how damaging the vaccine is to your body.

How are y’all sorting these things out? I have to go by life experiences. First off, my ninety three year old mother got her vaccine and it gave her freedom to leave her apartment again after a year. Second, my brother is a pharmacist and has taken a job giving the injections.

One afternoon I just had a feeling that I needed to go get the vaccine. I called the local pharmacy and set up a time later that day. I told them I wanted the J&J shot and they wrote me down. I called my brother and talked to him about it and he said, “I would get the Moderna,” I called and changed it to that.

It was so ironic the next day after I got the shot that J&J got put on a pause because of side effects.

Three weeks later, Marty got a fever and tested positive, I tested negative and made it through the whole next month fighting Covid with him and didn’t get it. That is my experience and story.

Someone else’s story may be different. I respect your story, can you respect mine? I literally watched my Heavenly Father rise up above ALL things and save my husband’s life. There are no conspiracy theories that can figure that out. It’s beyond reason.

I encourage you to hear the Father’s voice for you. What is He telling you to do about everything? I’m always checking that out. It’s about His will, not my will be done.

If you need any help hearing from the Father for you, let us know! We are a no judgment zone to help sort things out!

Much love to you today!

We all have our own story!

Let’s not judge!

Be kind!

Love never fails!

See you soon!

You matter and you are the best!

See you soon!



There are many voices fighting for our attention today. Because I am in the place of helping people get healed of trauma, I have to be focused.

I have to be focused on my Father❣️ My Father in heaven that is. My Father that is placed above all things in heavenly places.

I have to spend time with His presence which gives me peace. I have to read His ancient words that bring me peace!

I have to stay away from anything that would condemn me because that’s not His voice. There may be things that sound like that in His word but that is not my Father’s heart speaking to me.

This is what He’s speaking to me right now:

“That evening, the disciples gathered together. And because they were afraid of reprisals from the Jewish leaders, they had locked the doors to the place where they met. But suddenly Jesus appeared among them and said, “Peace to you!””
‭‭John‬ ‭20:19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

That means PEACE to us right now! That is what I am supposed to be helping people receive in the earth today, “Peace!”

I have to stay away from certain things right now in conversations like prejudice, politics, hatred and such because I am a conduit of Peace!

Whatever we go through in our life leads us to our identity and destiny! My life has had me in a place of loving the ones that seem to be marginalized! I can’t fit in the other boxes! I’ve tried! But that’s not my identity!

It’s taken lots of focus to not get pulled into wrong thinking and ideas. I’ve also had to come to the place of more confidence! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and deserve just as much love as people that share my opinions!

This isn’t always the norm today. It’s become my norm and I’m helping others have it as their new norm! Boxes are boring anyway! I urge you to get out of boxes and find your identity!

Identity is freedom and powerful! If you’d like to learn more, connect with me and we can help you handle things in your life.

Love never fails❤️

Boxes are boring❣️

Our lives matter❣️

Our voices matter❣️

Don’t give up❣️

Live life with purpose❣️

See you soon…jill 🌸