Fan the Flame

This is referring to the gift that is within you. We each have been placed unique gifts inside of us that need to be used in the earth.

We have to take action to keep it alive because there is always opposition coming to shut it down and quiet that voice.

I have had to go to great lengths to fight for my voice being heard and I can’t say that it has been fully accomplished yet. I haven’t quite found the correct delivery of what I’m trying to present to people.

Life experiences help me out and I may grab ahold of it for a bit but it can be fleeting. My main thing is to make it a point that we cannot always listen to human beings for direction we have to be tapped into a higher being which is God to me.

The thing that taints what I am saying is religion. Religion has given God a bad rap. It’s represented Him so differently than He really is. It’s one of the things that has shut my mouth more than anything else.

I have to be very cautious to stay in contact with my God and not get in the wrong lane. Strong opinions and controlling attitudes can flood over that still small voice like an avalanche.

Lately I’ve been very blessed to have some people in my path that have been able to latch on to what I’m saying because they are not indoctrinated so strongly.

We know a tree by it’s fruit. If someone does not help produce good fruit in our life they are not the tree that we need to sit under.

We really need relationship with someone before they can speak truth into our lives. I took a personality test one time and a slogan that goes along with my personality is:

Yep that’s me and my personality and the way my Heavenly Father created me! He has given me the ability to believe in people that no one else can believe in. With My God Nothing is impossible! Nothing! I have lived it!

You tell me that someone is beyond repair and I will do everything I can to help them make it happen. I have had to learn through much trial and error that we cannot help someone that is determined to stay the same! We have to let go!

I will keep fanning the flame to keep my voice being heard! That means that I have to fight to be heard! That might mean that you need to fight to be heard too!

Keep on keeping on!

With God you’ve got this!

Let us know if we can help!

If no one else has told you they love you today “I Love you!”


Getting unstuck

This seems like it’s been the longest year to me. So many ups and downs and all around. I have felt like a spectator lately just watching things.

It’s not that we haven’t had very exciting things going on, it’s just that I haven’t had lots to say about it all!

We have had the most fun ministering to people lately and watching the surprise barter gifts that they come up with to present to us! It’s also been a good practice for me to learn to receive.

In my last book Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom—available here👇🏻

I shared lots about sowing seeds and how that can produce a new harvest in our lives. I know that I gave and gave and I have received a harvest that I would have never expected in all my days! When I wrote that last book I had only received part of it and it just keeps rolling in.

In the way of new connections, new ministry, and new opportunities in all ways.

I’m not saying that everyday is just peachy and flows very easily, there are hard days and times in life. The major breakthroughs come through anyway and override the hard times!

I have joy deep in my soul no matter what is going on! It is well with my soul! I am so grateful! All of these positive emotions help bring positive changes and attract positive things to our lives.

We have to forgive.

We have to love.

We have to stop judgments.

We have to sow good things.

We have to be open and teachable.

When we truly have a healed heart, Faith, Hope, and Love remain in us!

We are available for help and accountability…if you need it let us know!

You got this!

You can move forward!

Much love to you❣️
