
So thankful to have made it through 2021 and through our Covid Christmas season to a brand new year. My word for this year is PEACE and that is basically all I have put on my vision board so far this year and it’s January 27.

I want to hang on to PEACE as long as I can and camp out there a bit. Last year was a year of Marty very close to death with Covid in the hospital, my mom fracturing two bones in her back with a fall, and I even ended up in the ER where I had never been before after a UTI.

We all made it through, and ended the year with Marty and I having Covid for Christmas. So thankful that my mom didn’t get it while she was staying with us, and we sat all the Christmas things out on the porch for our kids to get.

Let’s fast forward to now. I’ve had much of a sabbatical to regroup, relaunch, reinvent, and retreat. I spent a few days thinking all dreams were over and that I was just older now and I could watch the young ones enjoy their dreams. But God! He turned it around.

I think when Marty had to sit all those days in the hospital feeling like he was going down, it was a trauma for him. I kept wanting to fix it all year and wanted to fix my mom’s situation too. I could do a little but my hands were tied in many ways. I had to let them go through whatever they had to go through.

We do have to let others go through whatever they have to go through and deal with whatever they have to deal with. As the year went on some things started falling into place and finally when Marty and I sat in the hospital room getting the monoclonal antibodies I believe Marty got even more healing emotionally, this time he wasn’t alone. This time we were conquering it together. I had no idea that something like that would bring him back to himself, but it has.

Maybe he felt abandoned by God before? Maybe he felt like a failure? I’m not sure, but we definitely have to all remember not to judge what others are going through and remember that we are all in this together. There are no definite answers for any of the madness!

Today I’m feeling more slowed down, more in the moment. Not jumping right in, I am thinking a moment before I say yes. I even had a couple of dreams that took me back to where I used to live and people that I used to know there. It made we call old friends and check on people. I found out many were gone from this earth now.

This gave me a kick in the booty to remember the dreams that are inside of me. I’m still here! I’ve got things to do while I’m here. Marty and I have things to do together! We can’t let distractions and opposition stop that! It’s a new season and time to move forward with all the things that we have learned along the way!

Slowly I’m dreaming again!

If we are still here we can’t stop!

If you need help getting back up let me know!

We ARE all in this together!

There is strength in numbers!

See y’all soon!!

Love, jill 🌸

2021 is Winding Down

Only a few more weeks to find out the true transformation that has taken place during this year.

What have the trials produced? It is really true that hard things that we go through will make us stronger in the long run. Even if it’s not something that we want to hear or even think about. Life is just not always going to be smooth and easy on this earth.

Some seasons will be smoother and more joyful and others will feel like trudging through quicksand. One thing is for sure, they both pass. They do move on to the next season.

It was quite unbelievable that today there were several “suddenly” things that happened. Like several things that were just amazing miracles. An auto that had been sitting in the back yard that sold. A grandchild that had been suffering a heart defect healed. My husband told by the Veteran’s Administration that they were doing a back pay on all money that he had spent on medication back to a certain point! And last, all of his tests came back great after having Covid earlier this year.

Last week I was seriously starting to feel like things were getting hopeless. That is ALWAYS a lie! Things are NEVER hopeless, no matter what! The battle is usually in our mind and lies that we believe. If we are not feeling well, we are a little more vulnerable for falling for lies. Falling into negativity is a slippery slope.

There are many things to look forward to in our lives. Picking out the word for 2022 is something I look forward to. That’s a tradition for me… I’m thinking about my word now but haven’t settled on it 100% yet. One thing that I do know is that Marty and I have been reinvented this year and the main thing is eating more healthy. I think we’ve had some mindset changes also. We’ve had many things be a SLOW process when we would have liked to move a little faster… that’s okay though….sometimes:

I remember about thirty years ago hearing Joyce Meyers husband making that remark at one of her conferences and it stuck in my mind.

That has seemed to be a true statement this year about many things. I don’t think I have ever had this certain thing hit home as much as it has this year. It’s seemed like all of the things that used to work in the past changed and there were new rules to the game and I had to adjust.

I am adjusting and I am moving forward. One thing that I will not choose to be and that is stuck. Whatever I have to go through to be unstuck will work for me.

The next few weeks I’m praying and seeking my word for 2022 and I’m dreaming about the days ahead and seeing what God wants to happen in my life next year. I’m closing out the transforming that took place in 2021 and I’m grateful for the wonderful miracles that all happened in one day this week.

•We never know what can all turn around in just one day!

•We can’t listen to lies in our mind…we have to fight for truth!

•Reach out and talk to someone if you are sinking, we are never really alone!

•Do you have a word for 2022? Sort of a theme for your life next year?

•There is ALWAYS hope no matter what!

•I’m here if you need me!

See ya’ll next week!


Change is good!

Just because we have been doing something forever and getting good results doesn’t mean that we are supposed to do it forever. We can get stuck in a rut and get unhealthy in that place.

We have to remain open to new exciting things. My word being Re-invent this year is actually stirring that up to happen in many different ways!

The dream of an old business venture has blessed me so much last month and refreshed ideas of things I always wanted to do but thought that they died!

Our heavenly creator changes things quite often! He wants us to use our imagination and dream BIG dreams! The more people that we can come in contact with, the merrier!

It was so fun last month getting to share my story at a Trauma to Triumph Summit for women and then in the same month got an email to make a video to send to Terri Savelle Foy ministries to share my testimony about how vision boards have changed things in my life!

These are amazing dreams that have come into being from writing my vision and making it plain.

Terri Savelle Foy has written books and courses about vision boards and for her to ask me to do this is nothing short of a miracle!

I’m not excited about these things for my behalf, I’m excited to be able to encourage and help others with stories of miracles that have taken place. Miracles that are truly for everyone. Miracles to change lives!

I hope that you haven’t lost hope in your life! If you have please contact me! I have been through so many horrible things that there is no way I should be so full of hope! But with a change in mindsets, just the right positive relationships that can help build you up, and a God that loves you no matter what… positive change can happen!

Last year and this year so many changes and miracles have happened and I have to keep sharing these things with others!

Change can happen for you!

No room for negativity!

Remain hopeful and move forward!

Contact me if you need help!

See you soon!

jill 🌸


Wow!Convergence is what I have been feeling lately. The dreams coming together, the plans being fulfilled, the harvest coming up that’s been planted, the voice being heard!

The day that I’ve been waiting for that seems like forever. I was a victim of a crime almost forty years ago and I saw, that day, what my destiny was. Did it happen soon, no it is happening forty years later. Is it too late? No, it’s right on time!

Why, because God knows all things and I don’t. It’s not about me, it’s about HIS plan. Were there many times I could have stopped? Were there times I could have given up? Yes in fact there are things that are happening now that I had given up on and thought were over.

I thought it was too late for some dreams that I had. I thought just the younger ones were going to do it. But all of those little seeds that I was sowing along the way, all the books that I’ve written, all the people that came for help and I loved helping…do not go unnoticed by my Father in heaven!

I have lived to know that this is true! Every little thing that comes our way, we cannot murmur…we have to make something good out of it. Every mountain that comes our way, we can’t go around it, we have to climb it.

Every obstacle will fall at our feet. Every tongue will finally be silenced, and every ear will start to hear what we have to say! If we are afraid…we have to do it anyway! We can’t let easy be something that we are expecting and we must rejoice if easy happens to come our way!

This is about you too! It’s not about being perfect it’s about just giving it your best shot! It’s not about performing correctly, it’s about being humble and knowing that we can’t do it on our own! Its about just doing the best that we can!

There’s more to come in the days ahead…stay tuned to see future emails and posts ahead! Bless you today and I pray that you keep on keeping on! It’s worth it and you are worth it in every way!

It’s a new day coming!

Don’t lose hope!

Don’t be afraid!

Fear is a liar!

You are loved!

….see you soon


Healing From a Not So Merry Christmas!

As a child I had such wonderful childhood Christmases with my immediate and extended family. I remember going to my grandparents’ house with all my many aunts, uncles, and cousins.

These Christmases lasted on up into my adult years until the time when my father left my mother after forty four years of marriage. I had gone through a divorce also just a few years before. I still remember the Christmas Eve that I had to go visit my father with his new wife and without my mother.

It was hard breaking free from their home to get to my mother’s house and I also had to deliver my two daughters to their father’s house afterwards to see him. So the ideal Christmas was just not happening to me that year.

When I got to my mother’s house she was so upset because I had spent more time with my father and his new wife than her. Then when I took my children to their father’s house he jumped on me for having them longer than he got to have them. I left there in tears, I thought I would never enjoy another Christmas and my world was falling in.

It felt so impossible and out of sorts! Through it all, my faith in Jesus grew stronger and stronger. He was all that I had and I grew closer to Him. He actually used all of the sadness and trauma that happened in those times to equip me to have a life of helping others walk through such things.

He has given me a new husband and family. I now have four children and nine of the most beautiful grandchildren. My life is filled with vibrancy and excitement. My father just recently passed away, September 1, 2020. I had always hoped that my dad would outlive the woman that he married and he did. He even got to come visit me at my knew home and spend time as a family there with my mom joining us also.

I also got this beautiful nativity scene that he had carved and it was so special for me to receive that when I didn’t expect to get anything and really wasn’t expecting it.

So many things have been restored and now I can enjoy my Christmases again. Though my father passed this year, he lived 97 years and was such an amazing WWII Veteran.

Now that I’m older and understand better, it means so much to me that he had a very large part in saving the Jewish people from Hitler. In fact it affected his life and when he left my mother he said, “Blame it on the war!” We didn’t understand what he meant at the time but now that I have been trained in helping others, I do understand, because he was never given any counseling or help after all the trauma that he lived through.

God showed me after my father passed, that just like he helped bring the Jewish people to freedom, that Marty (my husband) and I are bringing many people now to freedom! Freedom from past traumas and disappointments.

He earned many medals and we are now waiting to hear when his funeral service will be held at Arlington Cemetery in Washington D.C.

I’m so grateful to still have my mother that is 93 and I’m so grateful for all of the restoration that my Heavenly Father has given me in my life.

Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

I’m grateful for the life that I’ve been given and the legacy that my past generations have left behind.

I’m grateful for all of the imperfections because they shaped me and made my story to be what it is today.

There is always hope!

Forgiveness and love never fail!

Merry Christmas to you and may you have hope and goodwill!

Reach out to us if you need anything!

Next time jill 🌸