The pandemic was one of those such things but two nights ago things shifted even more intense for us. We found ourselves at 10:30 at night running two shop vacs and sucking the water out of our house. It reminded me of scenes from the “Titanic” movie.
My husband even had to go out into the pouring rain with his tractor and dig a little ditch to drain the water away from the house. There was actually a moment where a foot of water was standing on part of the outside of our house.
We managed to keep it from running past three rooms and my closet. After we got it all stopped and dried up we put the fans on it in different places.
So the next day I’m thinking, “What do I need to glean from this?” As I pondered, I realized that the only damage that really occurred was in my hair salon and my closet! We managed to pile up towels and keep it from going to the other side of the house.
I realized after I came home from our trip things just seemed out of alignment. Our car was in the shop, my daughter’s car was in the shop, and I had loads of people contacting me to get in for haircuts.
My daughter was needing me to step up and help with her children one more day a week. My mother that is 92 was needing me to take her to appointments and pick up groceries because the lady at her assisted living was not able to do it anymore.
We were starting our new mission in our Healing House. We knew that we were supposed to finish the upstairs to live up there and turn our whole main floor into our mission and our dream. There were so many things going on when we got home we couldn’t get started with the work.
I am in a course for 2020 with Terri Savelle Foy and I had received this in my texts on Wednesday (the day that the floods happened that night):
When I got this I had four kids at my house and I can’t tell you how many people were contacting me for haircuts to the point I was starting to feel like I was going to explode.
I will tell you that after the water ran through and I got to the end of myself I realized my priorities. God first, my husband next, my family next and then the mission that He’s given us. There was a time that doing hair was my mission but that has changed now.
I instantly texted someone I knew that does hair and asked her if I could send her my clients and she said, “Yes.” I could feel relief coming off my back as I let go of what I wasn’t supposed to be doing in this season.
It was time. It is a new season! It was time to move forward in tearing down and rebuilding. I’ve had things show up like this time and time again. Showing me the path and the right stones to step on. My Heavenly Father showing me the way to go!
Time for the focus in life to SHIFT!
Do you have things that you need to SHIFT?
Do you understand SHIFT?
Are you ready to let go of some past things that don’t need to go into today?
Contact me if you need direction and help doing this!
You can do it!
See you soon!
~jill 🌸
Here is my latest book:
It comes in ebook or paperback🌸
Thanks Happy Friday 🌸