This is a place where we are a lot. Especially if we experience lots of change, which I have. I sat down yesterday and journaled and prayed about some things and actually contacted some of the people that I hadn’t seen or talked to in a while. Much to my surprise I got some wonderful replies back. The relationships are still there, it has just changed, for now. Change can be hard but it’s also good and causes growth.
One thing that never changes is my Heavenly Father’s love for me, He’s always there.
As I journaled, all of the i’s got dotted and the t’s got crossed. The answers to questions were answered and the reasons for why were understood. Amazing peace came to me that money can’t buy and nothing else can compare to.
Things got placed in proper perspective and some of the losses I was feeling were actually gain of something new. Anything that we experience has a silver lining if we still ourselves, listen, find our thoughts, and journal.
People seem to be running from this still place. Finding every which way to fill up those questions we have, with whatever we can find, besides sitting down to stillness, pondering and facing what is going on.
Are we afraid to face what is real? Are we afraid that the outcome won’t be good? The only way the outcome is not good is if we try to control. We are not in control. When we let go is when we get free.
I’m grateful that I am a right brain person. That’s the side of the brain that goes with the flow. Even left brain people can become more right brain. It comes from the things I mentioned before; still ourselves, listen, find our thoughts, and journal. That’s it, that’s what I’m learning how to prompt people to do.
It has always helped me and I know it helps others. People just need a little help doing it, especially left brain people because they are always planning and trying to work things out. Not lots of spontaneity and flow in their lives.
Feelings are ok too, by the way. Feelings are great, even if they hurt. They are really there and they need to be acknowledged and dealt with so they don’t show up and hinder us in other ways.
If you feel the need, we love to help people sort out some of these things. We offer free half hour sessions to help you find freedom from what’s tripping you up. Also if you would like to read more, my ebook is now $.99 on Amazon
Have a fabulous day!
Love Love Love 😉
Thanks Lisa🥰😘