
Being grateful is so needed in my life. I have to think of every little detail I am grateful for. It’s easy in our culture to start taking things for granted and even start complaining about little things when we are so, so blessed.

I don’t want to minimize anything hard that someone is going through, I’m just saying if we can find things to be grateful for during it, that we can overcome better. Just having a savior and God is something to be so thankful for. He can help us through anything.

When my past husband would go in the hospital multiple times for addiction and depression problems, it was so, so hard when he would come home from the hospital. I had a sponser from Al Anon at the time, and she would say, “Think of 25 things you are grateful for.” That would help me keep my sanity sometimes.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is praiseworthy-think about such things.

That is not telling us to just be in la la land about things. In the midst of hard things if we can keep thinking on these things, we can have peace in the midst of a storm. There is always something to be grateful for if we look hard enough.

This keeps us away from self pity!! Self pity is awful! If we get into some of this negative thinking, it can overtake us!! It can make us start being hopeless, which is not good. It can pull us down into depression.

I encourage you right now, no matter what you are going through, to make a list of 25 things you are grateful for. It will change things around for you, if you do it from your heart.

We have lots to be grateful for!!❤

Sometimes we forget❤

Find 25 things❤

Talk to you soon❤




Just thinking about solutions today. There are always, I mean Always solutions available. There really is no reason to stay stuck in a situation. Our minds, or our enemy, may tell us there is no solution, but that is a hopeless lie. We may have to seek out a solution, but there always is one.

It’s amazing the answers that might show up for you if you start seeking. Don’t ever think you are above seeking help or that you can conquer everything all by yourself. Don’t ever just sit there in your misery full of excuses why you can’t change and never move forward.

Even if we are sitting in the middle of a health problem, financial strain, divorce, or grief, we can always be comforted by our savior if we choose to be. That can come in many different forms. I have seen such amazing miracles come about from resources and places that seem like they would offer no help!! Small little miracles and stepping stones along the road.

When I went through a divorce, I found a Divorce Recovery Group… that was a great place to meet friends going through what you are. People to hang out with and a process to help you endure the grief and hardship.

When I was married to an addict, I went to Al Anon, which taught me such life tools to better myself and learn to get along with people that are so struggling in life.

I was always seeing a counselor of some sort and it shaped my life constantly in a positive direction. If you need something it is at your fingertips in America. We are very blessed. I loved to be a part of small business too, those little companies train you and take care of you in many ways. They are like a family, and pray for one another and support one another❤.

Now the most amazing part of all. When Marty and I met, he had been through some of the same things. While I was doing these things, he was too and we didn’t even know each other. We were being prepared by God to be married to one another. Not just that, we were being trained, almost like college classes to help others find solutions.

Thats the most amazing part of the whole thing. If you humble yourself and get help, it is preparing you to be stronger to help others. It makes you healthier, it attracts you to healthier people.

So, there is always hope and solutions if you dig in and are not full of excuses. Sometimes you have to SHIFT your thinking and what you want. But it will work out for the good one way or another!!

Always hope❤

Never stop and be stuck❤

People need your story❤

See you soon❤



Choosing love above offense…

Hi! This is a good subject!! Well of course we always see different opinions about things. People are always going to see things differently than one another. But you know what? That’s ok.

I am one person that wants to choose love no matter what. I may have some feelings of rejection, and I may get my little feelings hurt, but the bottom line I choose to love, no matter what.

The way someone feels about a certain issue is not who they really are. And if we can just stay away from certain issues there can be love. I’ve had to make a major effort to do this, and the other person has to be willing to do it too. Both parties can not be someone that has to be right.

I don’t have to be right. I don’t have to prove my point. I just live and love and let God take care of the rest. Wow if we let Him be our vindicator He is very capable of doing what He wants to do. It’s not about me, it’s about what He wants.

Being able to let things go comes from being cleaned up on the inside, from having a pure heart. From not having an agenda!! I’m definitely not saying I’m perfect at it, just saying that after all the feelings I have and getting it out, the final result I come to is love.

Love really does never fail. There are some that you can’t be around much. Some are literally motivated to take you down. I’m not talking about working it out with them. Remember, I said both parties have to be willing. If someone is not willing, fine, no need to take up much of my time, I will love you if you let me, if not, not my responsibility!! Woo hoo!! Isn’t that fun and freeing??

I will always keep the door open to someone changing their mind. No walls up!! Yep, I’m willing to try to work thinks out, if I see a bunch of games, sorry, not my responsibility. I only learned that from being entangled in many games of manipulation, and control. These things are such a distraction in your life that keep you from doing what you really need to be doing.

You think you have anyone being like that in your life? Their behavior is trying to control and manipulate you? They have some issues going on inside. If they are not willing to admit that and change, it is not your responsibility.

I have a pretty sensative personality so if someone keeps being like that with me I have to literally detach (emotionally) when I am around them. It’s not much fun being in a relationship like that. It’s a lot of work. It can start wearing you down.

I choose love❤

I choose life❤

I choose to be me, without distractions❤

See you soon❤


Finding your place

Just want to talk about how important YOUR voice is. If you are in a group where you are invisible and never heard and never even acknowledged as being there, chances are you might be in the wrong room, or you might need to work harder at being heard.

That’s what I had become. I was around all young people with college degrees and such confidence. Now I realize… they need me, they need my voice, they need my wisdom, they need my love, and they need my input.

There is something about living a lot of days on this Earth and going through many experiences that just can’t be taught in books. Of course I have to throw in here, I know many young people have had as many life experiences and learned as much as I have in a few short years. I’m definitely not saying that I know more, I’m saying that I know something too.

I almost started getting intimidated by a know it all attitude. A haughtiness comes along with that. I am no longer intimidated by it now, I can see through it. I can see a hurt little kid that went through lots of different things in their life and has had to be so tough and bump their way through.

I see a nation full of these kids that haven’t got their needs met in many ways and shuffled through the system to lay down their true feelings and take on a false identity to fit in this world. I can see it because I even started doing it myself. Mine was by being quiet.

I am so, so grateful to get to be doing what I am today. My voice is back, it’s ok if others are confident because I am too. It’s ok if they have a voice, I do too. It’s really miserable being quiet when you have things to say. It’s really miserable being politically correct every minute. It’s just the pits!!

If you feel like you aren’t accepted for you… if the people around you aren’t celebrating you and you are getting overlooked and underheard. Start checking  that out. It could be something going on inside of you. It could be that you are around the wrong group of people. You do have a purpose and you do have a voice.

It’s so fun to be you and even encouraging yourself if no one else is around to do it!! Now I see the truth not the lies…helping others do the same❤ People need to be out of their boxes and enjoy what really makes them happy and what they are really meant for…. not just lost in the shuffle of busyness and systems that aren’t working!!

Keeping digging inside❤

Don’t get lost in the shuffle❤

Don’t give up❤

See you soon❤


Hi, just want to mention transition. Just heard someone talking about transition and they said something that I have seen to be true. When you are leaving one thing, transitioning to another, whether it be relationships, job, church…the way you leave one, is the way you enter the next. So if you leave in turmoil, you will take that turmoil on with you to the next.

We never get free from something until we learn the lesson we are supposed to learn. The best thing to do, is surrender to the lesson, and be open to what you are supposed to learn. If we don’t, it’s for sure going to pop up again!!

That may not be exactly what you wanted to hear today but I’ve actually seen it happen many times. We just always have to come to forgiveness about things. If we open up our hearts and forgive, and learn our lessons, then God actually promotes us into things that we could try to do in our own strength only to find out we couldn’t.

Its about HIM directing our path!! It’s about HIS will and what HE wants to see happen. It’s about humbling ourselves and letting HIM lift us up, in due time.

It’s so not about us!! When HE wills something, there is so much power behind doing it. We just rest and have peace in HIS plan.

If you are going through transition, pay attention to the things you have left behind. How have you honored others, have you done unto others the way you would have them do unto you? Even if they were wrong? Yikes! Sort of convicting, isn’t it??

It’s so true, start loving and honoring everyone around you and it will take you farther that you could ever even imagine!!

Have an awesome, blessed day!! Learn new things today!! Be transformed today!! Let me know if you need prayer or help!!

Love you❤

Behind you❤

I want you to get it!!❤
