I really am so excited!! It’s amazing how God is using real life things for what I am supposed to write about on the pages!! It was one of my last posts that I put my goal is a recovery church. When I wrote that I thought oh does that sound crazy??
Truth is though, it is happening before my very eyes. Where the grassroots people that have been in the gutter and in a process of restoration are starting to be used because they are humble and cleaned up on the inside!!
That is what I am all about, being cleaned up on the inside.. we never arrive to the cleaned up state… we remain humble, teachable, and honest about what is going on with us!! No one above the other person!! Different giftings, but none above the other giftings.
What a humbling thing for some of these high and lifted up people to be sat down and actually ministered to by someone that just walked out of the most horrible of sins?? That sounds like something Jesus would do to me!!
He is the most loving savior but hates haughtiness!! There is no place for it when we are dealing with hurting rejected people already!! I am so thankful that He is letting this vision and dream come alive so I can have more confidence to write about it!!
This is very exciting to me!! I have always felt such love and acceptance in recovery meetings and at church, sorry not so much!! I have actually stepped into some major traps because of competing, and pride in operation, much less other things that people have to hang onto so no one will think they are a mess!!
Sorry to tell you but we can ALL be a mess sometimes and one mess isn’t any different than another’s mess!! Isn’t that just great to know it’s ok to be a mess?? And none of us are exempt from it!!
Yayee!! That knocks a lot of pride off of you right there!! We are all powerless over sin!! Woo hoo!! Now that is a true statement right there!!
Now I have to get back to putting these things in a book!!! Been so excited and so busy living it, it’s hard for me to sit down and write it!! But I do have to!!
God has answers❤️
It’s not about us❤️
It’s about LOVE❤️
It’s about honesty❤️
It’s about GRACE❤️
It’s about HUMILITY❤️
See you soon❤️