Wow so excited

I really am so excited!! It’s amazing how God is using real life things for what I am supposed to write about on the pages!! It was one of my last posts that I put my goal is a recovery church. When I wrote that I thought oh does that sound crazy??

Truth is though, it is happening before my very eyes. Where the grassroots people that have been in the gutter and in a process of restoration are starting to be used because they are humble and cleaned up on the inside!!

That is what I am all about, being cleaned up on the inside.. we never arrive to the cleaned up state… we remain humble, teachable, and honest about what is going on with us!! No one above the other person!! Different giftings, but none above the other giftings.

What a humbling thing for some of these high and lifted up people to be sat down and actually ministered to by someone that just walked out of the most horrible of sins?? That sounds like something Jesus would do to me!!

He is the most loving savior but hates haughtiness!! There is no place for it when we are dealing with hurting rejected people already!! I am so thankful that He is letting this vision and dream come alive so I can have more confidence to write about it!!

This is very exciting to me!! I have always felt such love and acceptance in recovery meetings and at church, sorry not so much!! I have actually stepped into some major traps because of competing, and pride in operation, much less other things that people have to hang onto so no one will think they are a mess!!

Sorry to tell you but we can ALL be a mess sometimes and one mess isn’t any different than another’s mess!! Isn’t that just great to know it’s ok to be a mess?? And none of us are exempt from it!!

Yayee!! That knocks a lot of pride off of you right there!! We are all powerless over sin!! Woo hoo!! Now that is a true statement right there!!

Now I have to get back to putting these things in a book!!! Been so excited and so busy living it, it’s hard for me to sit down and write it!! But I do have to!!

God has answers❤️

It’s not about us❤️

It’s about LOVE❤️

It’s about honesty❤️

It’s about GRACE❤️

It’s about HUMILITY❤️

See you soon❤️

Let Shift Happen

Sometimes it is just time for Shift!! Shift is the same thing as change, and change is good!! Just because something has been done the same way for 80 years doesn’t mean it’s supposed to stay that way.

I actually had to take a risk and mention something to someone that I thought might be able to be done in a different way!! Guess what? They actually listened to me and thought I might be able to offer an idea! Can you imagine it?

We are actually going to have a meeting and talk about it. I have lived over a decade with lots of creative ideas floating around in my head about things and if I mentioned it, I was sort of invisible. Well apparently that day is over now! I know the other must have been a pruning process to know it’s not about me, which I got it and I get it!! Loud and clear!!

But there comes a day when someone actually needs to hear and is desperate to hear your ideas!! Yes keep on seeking God and don’t give up and that day will come!!

No rush, I suppose, because you don’t want to miss the lessons during the process! Dying to self is quite a process. Then one day, when you least expect it, “Shift happens!!” Yayeee!!

The more things you had to go through in the process, the more excited you are about the SHIFT and the more you know it’s only God working through you, and not you!!

Even if you get no’s and rejection, don’t take it personally, it doesn’t mean you don’t have something good to offer, just embrace the lesson and don’t give up!!

I know you have something valuable to offer this world, everyone created does! Start creating something out of nothing if you have to! You are valuable, you have a voice, and you are worth it!!

If God has given you a dream don’t give up on it, you could even change many lives with your dream!! If you have failed at something several times, that is probably the thing you need to help others with!!

Listen to those around you, it might change your life! Sometimes it’s the quietest voice that needs to be heard the loudest!!

God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!!

Always remember that verse! Someone told me to always remember that years ago and I have and it’s true!!

Live Out Loud❤️

Live with purpose❤️

Your voice with show up, if you don’t give up❤️

Shift really does happen❤️

See you soon❤️


Difference between love and codependent

Some of the things I am writing about are some of the things that will be in my book. Love is a very pure thing, a give and take equally thing. Both people have the same interest in the relationship, without manipulation and lies.

Sometimes a person can be very manipulative in your life and keep calling you their best friend, or whatever until you think they are your best friend. This is not love, this is manipulation and codependency. This is a distraction from someone that is needy.

Im not saying to just ditch this person, I’m saying to make sure there are proper boundaries in place so they don’t steal your identity. How would I know about this? It has happened to me. I’m onto it now, though.

My personality is one that God gave me and the enemy would like to distract me and get me to a place where I’m not sure who I am. Of course friendships and relationships are a wonderful gift from God, but if someone is being controlling and manipulative it is not a gift at all.

That’s why it’s so important to speak into children’s lives about who they are. If they learn very early who they are they won’t stray far from it. Trauma can taint who we are. Especially trauma not dealt with in our life.

Everyone is redeemable and changeable! With God ALL things are possible!! We have to be teachable, moldable, and pliable. When we are those things, we can grow, change, and flourish.

That is good material for a good friend or spouse or anything in our life. Are they teachable, moldable, and pliable? Then you can work together with each other with honor for one another. The place that I have learned to do this the most is at recovery meetings.

My goal is to bring those principles into the church. It could make people understand how to walk in unity more and honor one another’s differences!! That’s what God wants. He wants us all to be unique individuals walking together, hearing each other’s voices, listening, taking what you can from each person and respecting how different they are from you.

In a dysfunctional world, everything that comes out of your mouth is debated. There is a way to disagree that is right, but not to a place where your voice is silenced. That is control, if your voice is silenced. That is what the enemy is after.

Last fall I went to the desert for 6 weeks and got my voice restored. I don’t believe my voice will ever get silenced again because I am onto the enemies tactics. I am so grateful to be moving on to my destiny and helping others along the way!!

Let your voice be heard! Not in a destructive way, you might need more pruning if it comes out too aggressive, but in a loving, truthful way.

Keep  growing and learning❤

Your voice is important❤

Don’t force your will❤

No manipulation❤

God Rules❤

See ya’ll soon❤

Always solutions

Hi… been in a stumbling block lately with my book. Wow, I always run into a block when it comes to mentioning other people  that were involved in my story. Being afraid that I might offend them or hurt their feelings.

Been praying about how to get around this and asking a few folks how they handeled it. It almost seemed for a few days like just ditching the book!! Of course it felt like that!! You know there will always be opposition, right?

Thats always the time I have to SHIFT and dig a little deeper. I decided I would call my last husband, (which there were 2 and I married the last one twice) and talk to him. It was very interesting to talk to him. I realized what a role I had been playing in life and wasn’t being the true me and didn’t really know who the true me was.

It’s so funny how people take things that they have been dealt in life into their relationships and make it about the person they are with. He played a song and sang it to me on his guitar and I remembered that was something I loved about him. It made me cry.

I realized that my gifting of love and compassion took years being refined in me and he was a very important part of the whole scheme of my life. I learned that you can believe in people with all your heart but if they don’t believe in God or themselves, you can’t make it happen for them. I tried twice because I could see a jewel of a person, but he couldn’t.

Not that he has to be what I think, it just showed me that I had to learn that lesson before I really started ministering to people, because I have to discern who is in it to change and who is in it to flap their jaws.

I had to learn that it’s about what people do, not what they say. That’s maturity, really taking action and doing something. So my solution to mentioning them in my book is to say how grateful I am for them as a person and that they were in my life and helped me write the story of my life.

Honestly, I learned that I can never be someone’s God and savior, I can only let my light shine and lead people to Him, if they expect more than that, sorry!! They gotta do the same things I’ve had to do to get better!! You can’t get it all in a relationship!!

And that is reality!!❤

Kinda deep❤

Truth is truth❤

Gotta go to Father for you❤

See you soon❤

Let others be who they are…

Well, it has surely been a while. Just want to talk about letting others be themselves. This is something that isn’t always easy to do.

Seeing that others have a different personality is very important. We were not all put on this earth to be the same. It’s really interesting when you do these personality tests and see how one person responds to something one way and another responds exactly the opposite!

The test is being patient, letting things roll off, and not taking things personally from others. Easier said that done. I think if we can always keep an eye on the log in our own eye, it’s easier to not see the stick in someone else’s.

The hardest trial seems to be loving other’s unconditionally!! Sometimes if we can do just that, it can bless them and give them the strength to go on!!

Its good to even learn how to welcome and celebrate other’s differences!! They could be strong in an area we are weak in!! Sometimes we can hold us up, other times we can hold them up!!

The group of kids we help out with on Wednesday nights are really a good example of this. We just keep loving on them and they are changing!! We are changing also!! You can’t be politically correct with these kids!!

Actually it messes up any plan that you have and any idea to do things a certain way!! You just have to wing it and go with it!! The sooner we can learn to do that the better it flows!!

Sometimes we just can’t have all the ducks in a row!!! Some ducks dance, some ducks sing, some ducks are quiet, some ducks are loud and every one of them is ok, just the way they are, doing just what they are doing!!

We just have to pray and let things go!! Enjoy life, take things lightly, go with the flow of things!! Let people live!! Get yourself cleaned up on the inside!!


Sow good seeds!❤

Let your light shine❤

Be unique❤

Let others be unique❤

See you soon❤

I”m writing, writing, writing my book❤