
Hi… been a while…just came to a realization!! I was on vacay last week trying to get my book to a new place which did happen…Also, got to go up and visit with some friends that we got to spend a lot of time with in Texas last fall.

We also got to visit another church in Champaign/Urbana area…. awesome… the young man came up and spoke a prophecy over us right off the bat when the service was over…

He told us how we were grandparents to all these kids just like Heidi is in Mozambique…. woo hoo… it brought a revelation to me that America is a huge, huge mission field!! These kids we minister to are valuable and important and their lives matter!!

I got to hug on a 14 year old last night that has been through more that we can even imagine for a 14 year old… I am very honored for the ability and opportunity to do such a thing. She told me her whole story and didn’t want to leave my side all evening… America needs help!!! America needs love ❤️

Anyway, I knew there were lots of troubled people but I just got a HUGE reality check about it!! While America is sitting in our shiny buildings there are needy people crying and children having to be adults!!

Glad to be a part of anything that might make a difference!! And hope to be making more difference!!

Soooo, got the book to the editor this week…woo hoo!! But I have decided to make the title back to the original…”Shift Happens”…. a woman has a right to change her mind, right?😊

Yep… it’s kind of a eye catcher and I think it’s a good title!!

Hope you are all having a good life and being who you are created to be!! Keep fighting for it if you haven’t found it yet!! It will show up!!

Miss you all!! Sorry I haven’t been here for a bit!! Not because I don’t want to be, just staying  very focused!! I am going to have a launch team eventually and I will have a Facebook page and coach people how to be on there… I would love you all to be there!! I’ll keep you informed!!

Love to you all today!! Keep on pursuing your dreams and destiny!!! God gave you those dreams!! It’s His plan on the Earth!!

Keep on keeping on!!

He created you for purpose!!

Don’t let man minimize you or steal it!!

I’m praying for you!!

See you soon!!!❤️👍🏼😍


Trust the course

Wow…I’ve been so busy and so torn in so many different directions!! Literally so many things I have been praying about are coming into fruition and it almost stopped me dead in my tracks!! Almost overwhelming!! But in a good way🙌🏻❤️

One thing is that when I got in Self Publishing School I had no idea that Chandler that started it was a Christian, I just loved his spirit, and his character!! Then supernaturally God gave me prophecies and confirmations about doing the school.

So I’m in this school with all these uplifting, amazing best seller list people. I’m helping them all launch their books by reading and reviewing!! I’m learning all the procedures!! OMG when you are involved with people cheering you on there is nothing like it!!

So here’s what happened last night!! A lady gets on and says, “Well, I was at church Sunday and I had been thinking about joining SPS and I saw the song, “Testify” come up on the screen by Needtobreathe…. then I heard Chandler say that his brother is in a band called Needtobreathe….then she said, “So I am here by divine appointment.”

I thought woo hoo!!! And I looked up the song on YouTube!!! It came clear to me why God had directed me there… it came clear to me why Chandler and his brother had given the proceeds of his first book to a needy country… it was why after a lady on the SPS passed away while writing her book they are doing everything they can to publish it anyway!!! Because God’s spirit is in the place!!

God does direct our paths…He is a good, good Father!! I’m am in over my head out of my comfort zone in every way right now…but I’m hooked up with a bunch of others that are tooooo…. it was worth the money that I really didn’t have to do it!! When we hear what we are supposed to do we just have to do it!!

My hard miserable past is what equipped me to be able to do what I am doing right now!! Mainly because I know that when I can’t do things that HE can!! We just have to find out His will and step into it!!

I am not really good at setting up pages and typing on Word… now I am being put in a position at church where I have to type out the Worship Service Order and put a link of the worship songs in there….along with getting my book finished, doing hair, taking people through freedom sessions, and handling a bunch of troubled middle school kids on Wednesday nights!!! Whaaaa?? I keep thinking I’m going to get to easy street… but I don’t think it’s going to happen in my lifetime!! I wouldn’t have it any other way!!

I haven’t written on here for a little bit and thought I didn’t have anything to share!! But then it comes in like a flood!!

Be blessed today!!❤️

Get outta your comfort zone ❤️

Don’t compare yourself to anyone else❤️

Find His will and purpose for you!!❤️

See you soon!!❤️

Finished Rough Draft

Wow, before I started the school I wouldn’t have even known what a rough draft was. Now I have just completed it, which means I just titled it and filling in all of the pages to send to the editor.

I am very excited but it took me a couple of days to get very happy because I just couldn’t believe it. Then I announced it on the Self Publishing School and there were so many “likes” and excitement that I couldn’t help but join in.

If you ever feel that you are supposed to do anything like this, I encourage you to go for it!! I encourage you to step out and do anything that you are called to do!! It’s so hard, fun, and exciting at the same time!

I love to be stretched out of my comfort zone and see the way the things that looked so scary at first melt away. It truly is amazing how you can be thinking a certain way about something and it can seem so impossible, then before you know it, it’s accomplished.

Ok because y’all are my BFF’s I’m going to let you in on the title….😊

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

Turning your stumbling blocks into stepping stones

—————————————————————–That’s it!! I couldn’t even think of a title at first but we were riding in the convertible and it popped in my head! Now I am trying to design the cover on Fiverr. Think about what you are not doing because you think it seems impossible.

Then, rethink it. If you thought it were possible, would you move ahead and do it? It probably really is possible, really! I am praying and hoping that creative ideas pop in your head and that you write them down. I am praying that you even act on them.

Sometimes we need to fan the flame of the gift that is within us. 2 Tim. 1:6

Sometimes our creativity gets lost in the busyness of life so we actually have to find it and activate it. It is different for every unique person. Some people are creative in organizing. Some are creative in business, some creative in art and some in writing.

You can use your creativity while you are being a mom and even teach your children to be creative. They are so teachable and learn so easy. They are so fun.

Just take a little baby step and God will meet you where you are. You know what is the most annoying thing to me? When someone picks apart one little bitty thing you did wrong and misses a huge thing you just did right!!

OMG!! Do just the opposite than that today!! Look at what all you have accomplished and done right!! Lift up all the positive things!!! Who cares about little bitty wrong things!!

God totally does not care about little bitty wrong things❤️

We can’t either❤️

Your right things could change someone’s life❤️

It is worth a few tries ❤️

Don’t give up!!❤️

See you soon❤️😊


Divine connections

Wow, just yesterday morning starting to feel a little lost in my process of writing my book. It can feel a little overwhelming at times. I prayed yesterday morning for another connection, another piece of the puzzle.

I sat down and wrote more, I’ve learned that no matter what… keep writing!! Sure enough, right before I went to bed last night, I saw a FB post on my Self Publishing School and it said…”Keep following the process, it works if you don’t give up.”

I got on the post and saw that this person had just launched!! I looked up her regular page and saw that she lives 2 hours from me!! Instantly I sent her a friend request and she confirmed!! We started chatting on instant messenger, I started asking her all of the questions I wanted to asked someone. She immediately answered everyone of them and said I can’t wait to get to know you better!!

I woke up at 6:00 am this morning and downloaded and read her whole book in one hour.. it made me cry!! It was about how God is using her three little boys to teach her and train her about life!!

There was one section in the book where she said, ” I didn’t understand why we were being hit by the enemy so hard, then I realized it started after I started writing my book.” Immediately I knew that she and I would be from the same tribe from here on out!!

I pray for each of you to step on the trail of the supernatural!! To say yes to God enough that He actually starts making the things happen in your life!! He knows He can trust you with people’s hearts and lives so He keeps sending you more!!

He is actually the one making my book happen, because He keeps showing up and making it possible!! He can be quiet for a bit… but just keep doing what you know is right and He comes through loud and clear in another way!!

Keep being true to you!! Do what He asks of you!! Be kind and lift up others, be honest, keep doing the little things!! Sometimes the little mundane things are not so little!! They are seeds that grow and don’t stop!!

Amazed again by my Father’s provision…He shows up every time right on time!!❤️

Don’t lose faith❤️

He does it EVERY time❤️

Never late❤️

Can’t make this stuff up❤️

See you soon❤️

Stay teachable

Yes, we have to stay teachable!! Many blessings can come from remaining teachable. We never get to the place where we can stop learning from others!! Even people that drive us up a wall can teach us things, if not just learning boundaries.

Our life situations, good or bad, can teach us so, so much! I have a story from something that happened just this last week. It is so exciting!! Not sure if I can share but I think if I don’t mention a name it’s ok 🙂

We were taking a lady through prayers of restoration and she kept struggling with alcohol…when we do this, we are working 5 weeks with someone. We got to the middle of the sessions and saw that she needed to add some more into her life because she was isolated.

We got bold and told her she needed to add some AA meetings into her life. You have to understand when she came she was completely apposed to AA…. well she listened to us, she met the most wonderful Christian man there that has become her good friend and understands exactly where she is coming from and a whole new world of friends has opened up for her!!

The last session she said, “What if I hadn’t listened and hadn’t done that?” She had no guarantee that it would all turn out that well! She simply trusted us and listened to what we said and her whole life totally has “shifted” and turned 180… her exact words!!

Man, I love that!! It is so, so exciting!! Her mama had been praying many years for her!! Never give up praying for folks!! One day you may see a 180 shift in their life…

If someone suggests you do something don’t just throw it in the trash… listen… it may change your life!!

Hope your life is going well!! Keep shining and looking for your purpose!! Don’t push, just let it fall right into place…learn from everything around you… nothing is wasted!!

Blessings to you❤️

Remember to listen and learn❤️

Don’t give up on prayers❤️

Don’t give up on change❤️

Don’t stop dreaming❤️

Don’t stop hoping❤️

See you soon❤️