Faith is the only thing that has truly sustained me in life. I’m talking about a life or death faith. The kind that is a gift from Heaven.
” Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Does this scripture make sense to you? Faith is the evidence of things not seen. That means that we can actually believe something before we can see it.
Faith is something that can be cultivated. The more we take a risk and see a good outcome the more we know that it will happen the next time.
Faith is the opposite of fear. Fear can loom large over us sometimes but we have to make a choice what we will believe.
Just recently Marty and I together made a decision to invest (a large sum of money for us) into a coach to help move forward in making a live presentation of the coaching that we offer to help people overcome in their lives.
I really have had to rely on more faith in my life to survive than he has so it was an amazing miracle that he was even open to do this. He believed in my faith more than anything. No pressure there, right? Ha!
Well every time it gets to the place where I have to go “beyond” where I have been I have to fight off all of the, “I can’t do this” lies!! The truth is, I can’t do this, but I have faith that I will learn! There isn’t one thing that I haven’t tried that I haven’t been able to accomplish so I have faith in that.
I have had every kind of obstacle that you can imagine come against me getting this webinar made. For one I am absolutely uncomfortable doing it and I am not the most tech savvy person in the world. I have learned to watch YouTube videos and ask lots of people lots of questions and not give up.
Well…I finally got it… how to get it going on there and Marty was very, very sick! Has been for 9 days… I thought, “Surely you could just help me make this video no matter how you feel?” No, he couldn’t😞
Then all the thoughts going through my mind, “What if he has the “C” word? What if we can’t even do this coaching together that I am making this big presentation for?” So I decided that my faith was being tested to the max!!
Well, we went to bed and I woke up at 3:11 like I do many nights to pray, write, think whatever and all of these things were going through my mind! Then LOUDLY a big noise happened and Marty jumped up and yelled, “Halt” in our house. He thought that a burglar had come in….I said, “Marty, a picture fell!” When we went into the living room surely a picture had fallen… it wasn’t just any picture though it was this picture:
And at first I wanted to look at it like, “Oh no we lost our anchor!!” But when I googled dropping your anchor…this is what it said:

Wow!! So I choose to believe that God is boosting my faith and telling us that we are at the safe end of a long journey! I choose to believe that it will ALL be ok just like we thought it would when we had the faith to step out and do it!!
Nothing is wasted, it’s all about your mindsets! Just because you don’t feel faith every day doesn’t mean you don’t have it!! Keep moving forward! Don’t worry about getting out of your comfort zone!! Your comfort zone is not a comfortable place!!
You can do it too!
Sometimes there is a price to pay!
Don’t hold back!
You may have a big dream, go for it!
Don’t let ANYTHING stop you!!
See you soon!!❤️