
Faith is the only thing that has truly sustained me in life. I’m talking about a life or death faith. The kind that is a gift from Heaven.

” Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Does this scripture make sense to you? Faith is the evidence of things not seen. That means that we can actually believe something before we can see it.

Faith is something that can be cultivated. The more we take a risk and see a good outcome the more we know that it will happen the next time.

Faith is the opposite of fear. Fear can loom large over us sometimes but we have to make a choice what we will believe.

Just recently Marty and I together made a decision to invest (a large sum of money for us) into a coach to help move forward in making a live presentation of the coaching that we offer to help people overcome in their lives.

I really have had to rely on more faith in my life to survive than he has so it was an amazing miracle that he was even open to do this. He believed in my faith more than anything. No pressure there, right? Ha!

Well every time it gets to the place where I have to go “beyond” where I have been I have to fight off all of the, “I can’t do this” lies!! The truth is, I can’t do this, but I have faith that I will learn! There isn’t one thing that I haven’t tried that I haven’t been able to accomplish so I have faith in that.

I have had every kind of obstacle that you can imagine come against me getting this webinar made. For one I am absolutely uncomfortable doing it and I am not the most tech savvy person in the world. I have learned to watch YouTube videos and ask lots of people lots of questions and not give up.

Well…I finally got it… how to get it going on there and Marty was very, very sick! Has been for 9 days… I thought, “Surely you could just help me make this video no matter how you feel?” No, he couldn’t😞

Then all the thoughts going through my mind, “What if he has the “C” word? What if we can’t even do this coaching together that I am making this big presentation for?” So I decided that my faith was being tested to the max!!

Well, we went to bed and I woke up at 3:11 like I do many nights to pray, write, think whatever and all of these things were going through my mind! Then LOUDLY a big noise happened and Marty jumped up and yelled, “Halt” in our house. He thought that a burglar had come in….I said, “Marty, a picture fell!” When we went into the living room surely a picture had fallen… it wasn’t just any picture though it was this picture:

And at first I wanted to look at it like, “Oh no we lost our anchor!!” But when I googled dropping your anchor…this is what it said:

Wow!! So I choose to believe that God is boosting my faith and telling us that we are at the safe end of a long journey! I choose to believe that it will ALL be ok just like we thought it would when we had the faith to step out and do it!!

Nothing is wasted, it’s all about your mindsets! Just because you don’t feel faith every day doesn’t mean you don’t have it!! Keep moving forward! Don’t worry about getting out of your comfort zone!! Your comfort zone is not a comfortable place!!

You can do it too!

Sometimes there is a price to pay!

Don’t hold back!

You may have a big dream, go for it!

Don’t let ANYTHING stop you!!

See you soon!!❤️


One thing that I have learned about life is that suffering and pain can make you stronger, if you let it. I am the type that would love for no one to ever have to suffer. I would love positive things and outcomes coming everyday. But unfortunately that is not reality.

I have learned that the more I have suffered and overcame, that I am stronger to overcome even more. The bar got stretched for what I could handle. The more I got help from others, and saw other perspectives about life, the healthier I became.

If we are going through a hard time of suffering, we just have to put on our fighting gear. We have to fight to find every possible way to find a new normal, and to find the positive way to deal with what we have been dealt and learn the best way to accept it and make it a marvelous thing that has happened in our life!! I know, that is not the easiest thing to do sometimes but it is an overcoming attitude!

The way that I personally have found to do that is to use the experience to help others❤️ It makes my life worthwhile if I can take a hideous thing that has happened to me and turn around and use it to set others free!! Woo hoo! Isn’t that powerful and fun? While you are in a hideous situation think of goals and plans of how you might do this!!😍

One thing that we know for sure is that things will change!! I don’t know how, I don’t know when… but be assured things Will change. I have had to make them change in some ways…simply by changing ME!! Changing MY attitude!! Changing MY mind, MY will, and MY emotions!! The more we go through, the more we are not ruled by our emotions and our mind!! We direct and take charge of which direction they will go!👍🏼

We choose to not be beat up and beat down! We make the best of our situation and God shows up to do the rest!! A little faith and positivity really SHIFTS everything. It may take a bit because we may have a few things to learn but it will SHIFT!!

Don’t stop believing!

Good things will come!

Faith like a mustard seed!

Suffering is positive!

Turn it around!

See you soon❣️

Never devalue yourself

Wow! This has taken me a long time to learn. I think some of it may have come on me because my Father came through the depression and had a poverty mindset so I have always had to fight against wrong thinking like, “I don’t deserve that” or “I’m not worth that much.”

I have been a hairstylist for many years and I almost felt like I would be full of greed or pride if I would charge people too much. You know what? That’s a lie and that has worked against me. That makes people feel about me the same way that I am feeling about me.

I am very grateful that I now just have a handful of wonderful clients and they are all people that think I am “worth it.” I set a price for them and all of them pay me at least double what I charge them. I am someone that loves to tip people and bless people and you know what? I deserve people that do the same. I am not saying that from a prideful place… I am saying it from a place of truth.

I have spent thousands of dollars in my life receiving wisdom and help from others. When you do that, it automatically attracts that back to you. It does not mean that you are humble to feel like you have to crawl around on the dirt like a worm. Humility means that you are not all about yourself and I am not all about myself. But God will bless you when you are not all about yourself.

There’s a voice trying to sneak up on me these days trying to tell me that if I help people i should do it for free… you know what? That is ripping them and me off if I would do it all for free. It is devaluing my time and also devaluing my wisdom and ability to help them. It also would be causing them to devalue the help I would give them. That in turn would devalue the amount of change and freedom they would receive from the help!!

There are times that I feel led to give things for free and I enjoy that but there is definitely a balance in that. I’m grateful to start coming to a greater freedom of being delivered from a poverty mindset! I hope to help many people be delivered from this too!

There is a lot of entitlement mentality in the earth today… and paying for something is the opposite of that! So to break that entitlement mindset… people have to pay and learn boundaries!! Woo hoo!! There is FREEDOM in that!! A free ride just doesn’t break off some things!!

Glad to have a voice!!

Glad I’ve lived 62 years and learned a few things!

Don’t ever devalue yourself, your time, and what you are worth!!

It doesn’t matter what people think!!

See you soon!!❤️

Freedom vs. Structure

This is a good subject for me. I am someone that love’s to be free and actually I’m a creative so I have to be free! If I’m not free to be me, I can’t create!! I can’t come up with the plan that has been put in my ❤️ to deliver to the world in which we live!!

I have had times in my life when I have tried to fit it other plans for me and I don’t fit in a box very well!! I can be very compliant and follow the rules but if the rules are taking me down a path that does not allow me to be me I soon see that I can’t do this.

To me, structure is great as long as I don’t have to give up my identity in any way. In fact, I love structure that guides you to your true identity! That’s me, I love to help guide people to their identity!! Guess what though, I wouldn’t have found that out about myself if I hadn’t had some structure to teach me that along the way.

Structure that is gentle and guiding but not controlling is what I love!! If it gets too controlling, sorry you lose me. Control can steal the life out of anything that you are doing!! Freedom can bring joy to anything that you are doing!!

We all need some gentle guidance along the way, something to follow, so we will stay on track, people to speak into us and build us up or sometimes help us see our blind spots! We don’t need judgment we need love!! We need acceptance!!

God gives me love and acceptance! He doesn’t judge me, He gently guides me!! He doesn’t want me to be in a box or doing anything that He doesn’t think is best for my life! His love never fails and never gives up on me!!

Some think that following God puts them in a box… it depends on the God you serve…my God is not religious and He sets me free to be who He created me to be!!

Love never fails!!

Love covers a multitude of sin!!

Love you today!!

Be you!!

See you soon!!❤️


Have a hard time feeling joy? I know sometimes it feels so far away, especially when hard times seem to be upon us. I know one way to feel joy is to find the things we are grateful for! If we write down 10 things that we are grateful for in the morning it is sure to remind us of all the beautiful, wonderful, things that we have!!

I know it seems impossible but we really can choose to have peace and joy in the midst of a storm! I’m not saying to have NO feelings!! I’m just saying that we can choose to not let those negative emotions and feelings rule over us!!

I have to stay focused on dealing with things from the inside out!! Believe me, I do have hard and imperfect days… but those days CANNOT rule my life!! Usually if I stay focused on me and what I need to deal with, things fall into place!!

We just can’t control everything and we just have to let go of some things!! Joy is not a surface thing it is deep within our soul! Some of it comes from knowing who you are, knowing what you need to be doing, and enjoying your journey!

I’m so excited because I am now working with a new coach that is helping me start doing ads and webinars and such!! I could see this coming quite a while back but just had to go through the step by step process to get to where I am today!! I couldn’t control it, I can’t speed it up, I just had to learn to go through each baby step to get where I am and enjoy the journey!

You think there haven’t been some obstacles along the way? You think there wasn’t a few moments to think I was insane and I needed to stop having such grand desires! But really these desires are not for me… they are to help others! I realized along the journey that it is what I was created for… so that makes it a fun adventure!! It all points to that for me!!