Little nuggets…

You know, something I have learned lately is that the little bitty nuggets are where the gold is. Things that someone flippantly says under their breath… the butterfly that keeps landing on you… the nuggets of truth that someone keeps trying to share with you but you aren’t getting it… the things that are deep and you have to dig a little for.

What I’ve been noticing about me is that if I’m chasing too many other things, I miss the still, small voice that was put inside me to listen to. That inner voice that is telling me the secret path I am supposed to walk on. The path that is only mine that no other human can understand. I am very careful to help people, but let them be on their own path, I don’t want to be leading people away through control or manipulation.

Isn’t that the truth? Normal is status quo to me, and by following my own path it keeps me from being status quo. I have stuck my head out of the box enough that I know I can’t stick my head back in and stay there! I hope you stick your head out of the box too!💜 That’s where the creativity is and that’s where your voice is. That’s where you find your power…a power greater than you! That’s one of the 12 steps of recovery…it’s number 2….”Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

Insanity to me is being in a box, it is not being and feeling free to be who you are, doing what you are meant to be doing! It’s not being able to grab onto the gold and run with it!! What I love about recovery is that we get to love all of the people… I’ve always loved all of the people so I didn’t fit in the box!! I can love atheists, I can love Muslims, I can love gays, I can love everyone!! I like that freedom!! I think God is like that!! I think He doesn’t condemn, I think He loves!!

His love is so great that it heals!! It heals judgements that people have made about you, it’s heals lies that you have thought about yourself, it crosses every boundary and jumps over every wall to make you feel special!! It never fails!!

He’s still working on me!!

Stick your head out you won’t be sorry!!

His love never fails!!

You have a special gift and voice no one else has!!

You were created for a special purpose!!

Don’t give up!!

See you soon!!❤️😍

Loyal friends

Loyalty and honesty are some pretty important things in my book. I guess you could say that they are prerequisites for people that are going to get most of my time.

Life is just too precious to spend around people that aren’t really encouraging about your dreams and destiny. As I move along in that, I find that honest, sincere people who say what they mean, mean what they say, and don’t say it mean are Golden to me.

It seems that God is blessing me with special people just like that because He knows I love and need lots of encouragement to keep moving forward and to stay confident in doing so!! It’s like He’s showing up with skin on.✝️

He likes to show up like that for us when we jump out there and do things for Him that we aren’t capable of and really don’t know how to do!! Sometimes it’s all about the action!!

You get that? Faith without works is dead! In other words having Faith without stepping out somehow to prove it makes your Faith dead and without purpose!! So I encourage you today… take that step of faith!! Take that action!! I KNOW if you do…HE will show up with skin on!!

We can learn a lot from hard to deal with people but we’ve GOT to have loyal, honest people in our lives!!

Sunday when I went into church… my friend said, “Oh I’m so glad you are here!! I have something for you from my trip!!” And it was in this bag:

Soooo that made my day!! You know what? That made me want to pay it forward to someone else… there were 2 young boys with long faces sitting not too far away so we asked them out on a date to eat pizza with us this week!! That shows what an impact that wonderful people can make in your life!! They give you the strength to keep on keeping on!!

Step out in Faith!

Keep on keeping on!

He shows up with skin on!

It’s sure to happen!!

Have a fab day!!

See you soon!!❤️😘

Don’t lose your own voice!

Just last night I posted this on my Pier 7 Restorations Facebook page and it seemed to make a stirring in people!

It really spoke to me also! One reason it spoke to me is because I actually lost my voice and what I wanted to say for about 10 years!! Some of it was from past trauma…I was raped at knifepoint at 23 years old.

Some of the reason for losing my voice is because I am a natural born nurturer and people pleaser! Some of it was because religion just literally tried to take me over and make me into something that “it” wanted me to be so I started pretending I was that!!

Don’t ever be something that you are not, so that you can please someone else!! You were born to be passionate, you were born to excel! You were born to shine…even if you may shine brighter than your leaders have ever understood!! There is no hierarchy in God’s Kingdom!! No competition!! We are all equal and used in our own unique gifts!

If you feel something dimming your light and snuffing you out…step back and think about it…do you need that? Is it helping you walk out your destiny? Is it exactly where you are supposed to be right now? The choice is yours!! Your God will not do that to you!! He created you for HUGE things! He is applauding you for any victory that you make!!

He wants to take any trauma that you’ve experienced and use it to help others!! You really are the only one that some people may feel comfortable talking to!! Don’t let any obstacles, rules, circumstances hold you back!! You were made to change the course of history possibly!!

Don’t be put in a box!!

Shine right where you are!!

The time is now to shine!!

Let me know if you are having trouble finding you!!

You rock just the way you are!!

No more games!!

If it’s going to happen… it’s all up to you!!

You have permission as of today!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️

See you sooooon!!😘❤️

Do you love correction?

Honestly if correction is coming from someone that I trust, I DO love it. To me correction is different that judging. Most people in our lives don’t qualify to just be correcting us all the time.

I think correction should come from a place of such love that I know they are out for my welfare and sincerely want to spare me some trouble in my life.

Proverbs calls a man who loves correction a wise man. I have many different sources that I can receive counsel from. I always have because I know that I can get blindsided in life. I am very careful about just who speaks into my life. If someone speaks the wrong think it can bring confusion and wrong direction.

I measure it up with the Bible but people can even twist that around to go their own direction. People go around thumping people over the head with the Bible so much that lots of people stay away from anything to do with it. They pick out things that sound judgmental and slam people with it.

I personally know that God love’s me above anything else and I build on that love above anything else I may read in there. I know it is NOT HIS PURPOSE to correct someone before they know that He loves them. It is about relationship!

I wouldn’t listen as well to someone’s correction unless it’s built on a foundation of love and trust! I would say that most of us need encouragement with our correction!

Love with correction…

Encouragement with correction…

Find a good tribe…

Learn from correction…

Grow from correction…

Be a loving, relational corrector…

See you soon❤️


This was a lesson that I had to learn big time this week! I think that I have learned it before but I think it took root this time!

When I am called to a purpose, I need to stay focused on just that purpose. I love people and I love to support everyone and all of the things they are doing. You know, you can find yourself just fighting battles and being involved with things that are not yours to deal with and you can’t do what you are supposed to be doing as well!

Soooo I get it! I get the message loud and clear this time!! Resting is an important thing!!I have way enough things going on in my life so there has got to be good soaking and resting times. Relaxation is needed in the middle of doing things and fun also!! Laughter is the best medicine!

We need a well balanced life with joy and laughter, with people that impart pleasant things into us! With people that we can trust and relax with!! People that add value to our lives!! Basically the choice is ours, what we do with our time!

We need to be very cautious about what we say yes to!! With some things a “yes” can mean 1000 more yes’s without realizing it! It is ok to say “no”. People may not like it but it is just not our responsibility to worry if everyone is happy with us!! Yay!! That feels great doesn’t it?

I hope that we can all be free to just Be!

Be you!

Be free!

Be irresponsible if you need to today!

Be loved!

Be full of joy!

Be true to you!!

See you soon!❤️