We just a few days ago got home from a wonderful vacation! Everyplace that we visited showed me ways that I have learned to let go of things and ended up getting blessed for doing so.
The first stop was in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Our reservation had been double booked so I got contacted by a person that said she had already talked to a friend and we could get in another place that was an upgrade. I already knew the “letting go” concept and I immediately thought, “oh cool an upgrade!” And ohhhhh myyyyy it was a perfect place for us!! Each couple had their own bedroom and hot tub… plus a hot tub outside, wrap around porch and a pool outside!! Woo hoo!! All from just ” letting go!!”

We got this whole building!!😍👍🏼
Another thing in Gatlinburg was getting to spend time with my children and their families. My oldest daughter is married to Rachel, the most precious young lady. In the beginning, I didn’t understand because my daughter, Lindsay never showed any signs of being gay in her whole life and in her thirties decided this… what did I need to do? Let it go and love. I do love both of them and they are a great gift in my life. My life would not be complete without Rachel in it.❤️

Also my other daughter, Beth, and her husband and 3 daughters stayed with us. It was so great to get to stay in this beautiful big cabin with all the amenities and get to hear Little Gigi waking up early saying, “Mimi and Papa” like a little chatterbox early in the morning!! ❤️ Millie, the 11 year old actually slept in the bed with Marty and I and I loved soaking up those moments together! She’s growing up and I have to accept and let go in the different seasons in life ahead!
We drove 12 hours on down to Port Charlotte, Florida to see Marty’s daughter Allison and her husband and 4 children. Allison was a challenge to us when we got married, mixed up in many things. We had to let her go and didn’t get to talk to her or her children for a year. It is good to see her married to a great guy now that loves her children more than life itself. We got to stay at her Mother and Father in law’s home and I slept like a baby in this home. It felt like I was at my mom’s or my grandma’s house and I hadn’t felt that feeling in a long time. She loves all of them and is instilling things into their life and ours that are invaluable.
If you read my first book, you might recall that my Father left my mom after 44 years of marriage and married another woman. Well, while we were on this trip staying at Gaga’s (Allison’s mom in law)… an amazing thing took place. My brother met with my stepbrothers, whom I had never met, at my dad’s home. My dad, a 95 year old man, had been taking care of this woman for years and she had become an invalid. He was changing her catheter 2 times a day, mowing the lawn, had taken care of her through 6 major surgeries since they had been married. This was a man that left my mom saying that he was leaving to enjoy his retirement. So what did I have to learn through all of this, “Let it go.” Yes I had to do this with my dad..BIG TIME.
While I was gone on vacay, she finally told her sons that if my dad was gone that she would go into a nursing home… my brother quietly took him away to live with him in Bowling Green, Kentucky and she went to be taken care of in a nursing home. What? This was impossible and happened so easily!! They had signed a prenuptial agreement that her kids got her things and his kids got his and they had kept everything separate. We got to stop and see my dad on the way home from Florida and he seemed so peaceful at my brother’s house. He is an amazing survivor of World War II in the Battle of the Bulge. He told me that he’s writing a book and every time he gets to the point where he got wounded he has nightmares and can’t go on… he told me things I had never heard before… he’s had an extremely hard life. I’m so glad he’s peaceful now.❤️
My mom is 90 and lives a few miles from me…she’s amazing. She lives in assisted living and hardly complains about anything. She came to me one day and told me she was ready to go live there, she didn’t want to keep me from living out what I’m supposed to be on this earth! She knew that there was a special purpose for me. Then she drove over here one day and said, ” Here’s my keys…tell Marty to sell my car.” I can only hope to be the people that my parents have been.
I think I’ve had the most special, wonderful vacay that I have ever been on!!!
One last thing, when we got home, I thought I would put the hummingbird feeder out one more time to see if the 20 or more hummingbirds would come before winter. It didn’t happen the first day, or the second… but sure enough, this morning I have counted 5 so far!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Just let go!!
It’s not your’s to carry!!
You don’t have to be responsible for everyone else, only you!!
Life can be happy no matter what!!
Live and Let Live!!
See you soon!!❤️😘