Bring Lies to the Light

We all have them… those little lies that we believe about ourselves. Whether it be, I’m not worthy to have nice things or people will reject me if they know the real me.

Those little pesky things that come to us and make us feel less than we are. The lies that could even keep us from stepping out and doing something that we were actually called to do.

Did you know that you can get rid of those lies if you bring them out in the light and actually replace them and turn them around to the truth about you and the truth about what you can accomplish?

We just have to face these false things that we are believing and realize that they are just what they are….FALSE!

Pray and think about this…mine were all about being rejected before but that is starting to change now. I am actually finding myself surrounded by a lot more people that are celebrating me and who I am!! Turning that around and not believing the lies anymore actually changed my life! It can for sure happen for you too!

Marty and I LOVE to help people do this! We love to help people get their lives turned around and get unstuck! It’s so fun to watch their lives and their thinking get transformed! Find someone in your life to be your accountability buddy and dig down into some of these things for the new year! You are definitely worth the investment!!

Bring those lies out of the darkness!

You are not bad, you are good!

Don’t believe it one more day!

You can help others change!

If you need help let me know!❣️

See you soon👍🏼😍

This book can help you work through it:

Have a fabulous day!!! 👍🏼❤️

Invest in your #vision❣️

The new year is approaching us and it’s my favorite time of the year! The time when we write out our new vision for life! I will be having a vision workshop here and also doing it online with folks! I absolutely love encouraging people to live out their destiny!

One of the tools we offer here at our home is Restoring the Foundations!! That is an awesome tool to kickstart your life and help people get free from the past and leave a brand new legacy for there children!

We are moving ahead toward being a Healing House Network with this Worldwide organization! We are very excited about this and I decided my word for this year is “Brave”! That is what I need for the days ahead! No shrinking back for me! I hope you find a word to focus on this year to keep you moving forward also! You are very worth it!

Setting goals is so important! It helps you accomplish everything that you need to accomplish! If we don’t step out in faith and lay out the vision and plan for the next year, time and days and months will get squandered away! It’s too easy to stay in our comfort zone if we are not constantly focused on changing our mindsets!

You are worth it! You are worth investing in! You don’t mind investing in other’s lives! It’s time to invest in you! I have had to do this for many years and sometimes it was totally by faith! None of it was wasted! Action births things into place!

In other words “works” means the action that we take WITH our faith! I’m not talking about just striving! I’m talking about actually stepping into something that will cause your dreams and visions to get momentum and start really happening! We need help for that! We need relationship!we can’t do everything alone! We weren’t meant to!

I encourage you to let your creative imagination take off for a moment and dream big things that are in store for your future! Don’t rob us from hearing what you have to say! If you step out of your comfort zone:

It feels so much better to not be just surviving but actually THRIVING! We will be working through the Stepping Stones Devotional starting Jan. 6th after we make our vision boards to jumpstart our New Year into a year of purpose!

If you want to join us you can get the devotional at this link:

And ask to join the Facebook page:

Jill’s Adornment and Freedom

Don’t just be busy! Accomplish things!!

You’re special and important!!

You were created with Great purpose!!

See you soon!!👍🏼❣️

It’s almost here…🎄❤️

I love as the year is ending and the new year is coming in! A time for reflection, a time to think about what all we’ve learned and accomplished through the year.

One thing that I think I have learned in a big way is to stay in my lane. To do that, we have to be discerning of distractions. They are always out there saying, “Come this way!” They look so interesting and bright and shiny when they appear! That must be the path to go down! You walk down it a little time to find out, “Whoops!” Not the path I need to be on!

I also learned that:

Actually, I have learned this one many, many times… even read the book by John Maxwell.. a good book! Especially if you have ever felt like a failure about anything. It lets you know that you learn lots from so called “failures”.

Also think of this one….What is happening is exactly what is supposed to be happening… that’s probably controversial in some ways, but if I learn a lesson from it and take away from it what I am supposed to, then nothing is lost… make sense? It’s so true!

Some very exciting things are going on because if I make a blunder and still have faith that everything will be just fine, I am headed in an amazing direction and bigger things can happen than I ever could imagine! Guaranteed! Faith never fails! Love never fails! Hope never fails!

We all need a Saviour and power that is higher than us to lean on! Mine is Jesus…some have been abused by religion so the sound of that scares and hurts them. I understand, and I would never judge anyone that can’t seem to believe in that at this time. I want to live to make that attractive to people rather than try to promote anyone into believing it! That’s a slogan in recovery… think about it!

I say it constantly…keep moving forward and taking baby steps! If anyone in this email needs help with a plan of doing that, get ahold of me!

Have you thought of a defining word for your destiny for next year? I will be helping people design vision boards and expressing what their vision is for 2019! Let me know if you want to know more about that!

My defining word for 2019 “Excellence”… I will be watching for that in any and everything I get involved with!

What’s YOUR defining word for 2019?

Think about your destiny!

Think about your purpose!

What were you created for?

Don’t shrink back anymore!

Reach out if you need help!

See you soon!

Let the holidays flow❣️🎄

I’ve had many holidays that have been so, so hard! Too many changes and way too much chaos! It didn’t matter how wonderful it was… it still felt out of sorts!

One year my Dad had just left my Mom after 44 years of marriage, and we had to go to my Dad’s house, then to my Mom’s. Anyone that has been through a divorce in any form knows that it can get messy!

We headed to my Dad’s house and now we had to “shift” into the idea of a whole new structure in our family. Life as it was, would no longer be. Now instead of going to my parent’s nice, cozy home where my dad had just remodeled and put in a new fireplace, we went to his new, different home and didn’t know what to get this new person that we didn’t even know.

To make matters a tad more complex, I had just gotten remarried and my kids and I had to go to a whole new family there also. My kids probably saw it as a lot more presents and a lot more fun places to go, but I saw it as a lot more presents to buy and a lot more confusion.

That year I remember going to my mom’s and seeing how hurt she was that we had spent so much time at my dads and then taking my kids to their dad and getting yelled at for not bringing them sooner! As I’m writing this I remember saying to myself, “I hate Christmas and I don’t even want to celebrate it again!”

I realize that it started me hating Christmas and never wanting to celebrate it again. I am so grateful that I have learned that I can break vows that I have made in my life! Vows that we make in our life can hold us in a pattern! It doesn’t matter what we have been through…. we certainly do not have to hate Christmas or anything else!There is forgiveness, there is restoration for anything and everything in your life.

We can not compare our situation to anyone else’s situation! We just have to decide for ourselves what is right for us and what fits in our life! We just can’t live like the Hallmark movies all the time! Sometimes we have to find our own peace in the midst of our own storm! The best that we can “go with the flow” the better off we can be. I have 4 things that will help you enjoy it better if you have had complications like I have had… I think if we were to be honest, in this world we live in, most families have some complications! May not be exactly like mine, but definitely not Hallmark!🎄❤️

1. Turn off your expectations! You never know what may happen so just go with it!

2. Turn on your forgiveness and listen a little more than you talk!

3. Little things are just as special as bigger things! Sometimes more so!

4. Buying someone a gift is not a sign of how much you care about them!

Whoops one more!

5. They probably aren’t expecting as much from you as what you are thinking! And if they are, they need to learn Number 1. These things have certainly helped me.

My Christmas is lots more about “Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men!” Thinking of my Saviour being brought to Earth to bring these things to a hurting world!

I sincerely hope that you may find Hope, Peace, and Comfort this holiday season! Let the holiday flow the way it will, and look at the little hidden treasures along the way!

I went a funeral yesterday and got to meet my grandmother’s cousin, that officiated the funeral…my mom that’s 91 mentioned to him who she was and he said, “Oh my! you are a DaVault and you are walking in high cotton!” I love that phrase and when he said it, it reminded me of my me-mow (my grandmother) and it brought tears to my eyes. The phrase was from gentler days! Another treasure that has happened to me this year!!

Look for the hidden treasures!

They are important!

You are important!

You are ROYALTY!!

Don’t let anything steal your worth!

We are ALL walking in HIGH cotton!!

See you soon!❤️🎄


Courage has nothing to do with us or our abilities. Courage, is to keep moving forward no matter what it looks like. It is finding the good in each day, in each person, in each circumstance that you face. It is in trusting God when you are not sure He is still there or even still hears your prayers.

Courage does not come from us…it comes from Heaven. Have you ever been backed into a corner and not known which way to turn? I sent this quote to my sister in law that is in the hospital today waiting for the port to start receiving chemo… that’s when reality about life and death really hits… that’s when the little worries you had seem like nothing… that’s when you need a miracle❣️

Let’s be encouraged to make each day count in our lives… let the important things be the important things…encourage others and help them rise up❣️ Let’s not take things for granted❣️

Blessings, Joy, Healing, and Prosperity to all of you this holiday season…

Remember….Just for today…

Lord make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.

O, Father, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console, to be understood as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

I love that and it’s a good thing to TRY to be! As we begin to walk through this holiday season let’s try to remember all of these things instead of what the perfect gift may be… how can we gift people’s souls?

I’m speaking to myself❣️

Let’s try to change the world❣️

We can do this❣️

No judgment, just LOVE❣️

You are important to others❣️

See you soon❣️