Hello, the first thing I’d like to say this am is “Don’t give up!” I thought someone might need to hear that this am. Putting this out for the public to see was a very “butterflies in my tummy” moment. I had thoughts last night that I must have really lost my mind to do this!! I just have to tell my mind to get out of the way and I choose to listen to my heart!! That’s the voice of truth.
Ok, let’s get it out of our minds that everyone is out there just living a perfect life. You know that can’t be true and if they say it they are lying. No life on this earth is perfect! It can still be full of joy and love though!! It’s up to us. We can choose life or death every day!!
Back to the crime days. That happened to me just a short time after a high school friend had been murdered. I really thought I was going to die. It is so scary when you think you are going to die! It really, really does take your mind and mess it all up!! Living becomes so important to you!! The things you take for granted are important! You are ready to do anything to live. That’s why I made the promise to help others.
I want to live forever, and that is promised to us if we believe in Jesus! I am grateful that I do believe in Jesus, because if I didn’t I really don’t think I’d be sane. Thankful for family members that passed that down.
Im going to give you a preview of what all I’ve been through: The rape, one divorce, parents divorce after 44 years of marriage, another marriage and divorce, a remarry and divorce. I have 2 children that lived through this also. They are very sweet, precious daughters. You can say, “Wow you sure are a mess!” But I say, SHIFT HAPPENS… you never know where you could possibly find yourself in this life. The Bible says, “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”
That scripture could mean many things and probably a different thing to any person that reads it. To me, I literally went through losing everything in my life several times…and found it way better than I would be if I would have never lost it. I’ve also learned that you can’t care what people think of you or what naysayers have to say about you. Just know that, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:28-31
One thing I learned early on, you can’t compare yourself to anyone else!! They may not have the same call and destiny on their life as you. Their walk is totally different. Their message is totally different. You don’t have to wonder why bad things have happened to you or get in self pity about it. Rise up and be the best you can be and keep getting any kind of help you can and you are sure to grow and change. With God there is always increase in your life. May not be how you expect and you may have to SHIFT a bit, but it’s there!!
Don’t give up!!
Things can change!!👍🏼😊