On this subject a little bit. What I have learned is that I can’t get around any obstacle in life without love. I HAVE to come to forgiveness about things. If I would have walked around bitter my whole life I couldn’t have helped anyone. I had to forgive the rapist. I’ve had to forgive every person that ever let me down. When that is done it releases you and them both. We can’t expect imperfect, messed up people in this earth to never hurt us or let us down. Just like we let others down.
There is lots of controversy going on in our land today. There is lots of hatred, there are lots of people standing for their cause. I got Love in my heart from Jesus but the way I learned to walk it out was through Al Anon 12 step Recovery meetings. I learned there that no matter where someone comes from, we can still love one another. I learned tools there how to literally detach from them emotionally and love them anyway. Not everyone is called to walk things out the way I do, but this has been my experience. Some people are called more to defending a certain cause, but I am just called to love everyone, no matter where they come from. I’ve also had to learn the balance and boundaries in that, to remember where they end and I begin and to hold on to me.
Everyone started somewhere in their life. The Bible even states that Love is the greatest gift of all. Jesus laid down His life for people that hated Him and scorned Him. All people have to come to their own terms with that.
While I was in the years of quietness and silence, I searched myself out alot. I had to work on myself alot. I didn’t have alot of confidence. Didn’t feel like I had anything to say or even a right to say anything. I believe we all have a voice that needs to be heard and I always want to be known as someone that finds the gold in people and helps pull it out of them. Sometimes people need help finding that and need help walking that out. Sometimes they have been told so many lies all their life, from people and in their own mind, that they need help knowing what their voice is. I did…
When I love people the best I can and honor them, I find such a supernatural favor comes upon anything that I’m doing. That shows me that God is working for my cause to make it happen because He knows I will treat His people that He created the way He wants them treated. Am I perfect at it, no, but it is my heart and what I’m working toward.
Do I get mad at people? Yes…Do I not understand people sometimes? Yes… but do I have to come to forgive? Yes and do I have to SHIFT a little to understand? Yes..
Keep learning, growing, and walking it out!
As Danny Silk from Bethel says, “Keep your love on!”