Let Shift Happen

Sometimes it is just time for Shift!! Shift is the same thing as change, and change is good!! Just because something has been done the same way for 80 years doesn’t mean it’s supposed to stay that way.

I actually had to take a risk and mention something to someone that I thought might be able to be done in a different way!! Guess what? They actually listened to me and thought I might be able to offer an idea! Can you imagine it?

We are actually going to have a meeting and talk about it. I have lived over a decade with lots of creative ideas floating around in my head about things and if I mentioned it, I was sort of invisible. Well apparently that day is over now! I know the other must have been a pruning process to know it’s not about me, which I got it and I get it!! Loud and clear!!

But there comes a day when someone actually needs to hear and is desperate to hear your ideas!! Yes keep on seeking God and don’t give up and that day will come!!

No rush, I suppose, because you don’t want to miss the lessons during the process! Dying to self is quite a process. Then one day, when you least expect it, “Shift happens!!” Yayeee!!

The more things you had to go through in the process, the more excited you are about the SHIFT and the more you know it’s only God working through you, and not you!!

Even if you get no’s and rejection, don’t take it personally, it doesn’t mean you don’t have something good to offer, just embrace the lesson and don’t give up!!

I know you have something valuable to offer this world, everyone created does! Start creating something out of nothing if you have to! You are valuable, you have a voice, and you are worth it!!

If God has given you a dream don’t give up on it, you could even change many lives with your dream!! If you have failed at something several times, that is probably the thing you need to help others with!!

Listen to those around you, it might change your life! Sometimes it’s the quietest voice that needs to be heard the loudest!!

God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!!

Always remember that verse! Someone told me to always remember that years ago and I have and it’s true!!

Live Out Loud❤️

Live with purpose❤️

Your voice with show up, if you don’t give up❤️

Shift really does happen❤️

See you soon❤️