Let others be who they are…

Well, it has surely been a while. Just want to talk about letting others be themselves. This is something that isn’t always easy to do.

Seeing that others have a different personality is very important. We were not all put on this earth to be the same. It’s really interesting when you do these personality tests and see how one person responds to something one way and another responds exactly the opposite!

The test is being patient, letting things roll off, and not taking things personally from others. Easier said that done. I think if we can always keep an eye on the log in our own eye, it’s easier to not see the stick in someone else’s.

The hardest trial seems to be loving other’s unconditionally!! Sometimes if we can do just that, it can bless them and give them the strength to go on!!

Its good to even learn how to welcome and celebrate other’s differences!! They could be strong in an area we are weak in!! Sometimes we can hold us up, other times we can hold them up!!

The group of kids we help out with on Wednesday nights are really a good example of this. We just keep loving on them and they are changing!! We are changing also!! You can’t be politically correct with these kids!!

Actually it messes up any plan that you have and any idea to do things a certain way!! You just have to wing it and go with it!! The sooner we can learn to do that the better it flows!!

Sometimes we just can’t have all the ducks in a row!!! Some ducks dance, some ducks sing, some ducks are quiet, some ducks are loud and every one of them is ok, just the way they are, doing just what they are doing!!

We just have to pray and let things go!! Enjoy life, take things lightly, go with the flow of things!! Let people live!! Get yourself cleaned up on the inside!!


Sow good seeds!❤

Let your light shine❤

Be unique❤

Let others be unique❤

See you soon❤

I”m writing, writing, writing my book❤