One of the tools we offer here at our home is Restoring the Foundations!! That is an awesome tool to kickstart your life and help people get free from the past and leave a brand new legacy for there children!
We are moving ahead toward being a Healing House Network with this Worldwide organization! We are very excited about this and I decided my word for this year is “Brave”! That is what I need for the days ahead! No shrinking back for me! I hope you find a word to focus on this year to keep you moving forward also! You are very worth it!
Setting goals is so important! It helps you accomplish everything that you need to accomplish! If we don’t step out in faith and lay out the vision and plan for the next year, time and days and months will get squandered away! It’s too easy to stay in our comfort zone if we are not constantly focused on changing our mindsets!
You are worth it! You are worth investing in! You don’t mind investing in other’s lives! It’s time to invest in you! I have had to do this for many years and sometimes it was totally by faith! None of it was wasted! Action births things into place!
In other words “works” means the action that we take WITH our faith! I’m not talking about just striving! I’m talking about actually stepping into something that will cause your dreams and visions to get momentum and start really happening! We need help for that! We need relationship!we can’t do everything alone! We weren’t meant to!
I encourage you to let your creative imagination take off for a moment and dream big things that are in store for your future! Don’t rob us from hearing what you have to say! If you step out of your comfort zone:
It feels so much better to not be just surviving but actually THRIVING! We will be working through the Stepping Stones Devotional starting Jan. 6th after we make our vision boards to jumpstart our New Year into a year of purpose!
If you want to join us you can get the devotional at this link:
And ask to join the Facebook page:
Jill’s Adornment and Freedom
Don’t just be busy! Accomplish things!!
You’re special and important!!
You were created with Great purpose!!
See you soon!!👍🏼❣️