Just thinking about honor today. That means honoring everyone on this Earth. Red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight. That is totally true too. We are all loved by God.
We are all created differently, with different giftings and even a different message to tell others. It’s so wonderful to embrace our own unique qualities along with everyone else’s too. We don’t need to get angry just because someone is different!!
We can always learn from others. I believe everyone is put in our path for a reason. Some people are more of a challenge to us, and we learn a different lesson, like, “Wow that person is pushing all my buttons!” We have to learn why our reactor is reacting so badly!! Others are just a gliding easy ride.
I have found, that if I keep looking inward to what’s going on in me, that I can learn to honor the person that pushes my buttons, even if I have to handle it differently than the easy to handle ones.
I think the hardest for me is someone that is acting like everything is great in their life and you can tell something is going on. I know that everything does not have to be shared with me, but at least tell me you have something going on!! Even if you don’t tell me what!! Ha ha!!
Different personalities, different giftings, we all have to learn to work together and learn from one another. The comparing and thinking everyone has to be like us is hideous. It’s not good to back off from all the people that aren’t like us. Then we might miss a good lesson!!
It’s not always the easiest thing to do, but I think we all have to keep our reactors in check!! Find the good in others…just like you want them to find the good in you!! You can do it, don’t give up!! Love never fails!! We need to make a difference in this world!!
Give it your best shot!
Love never fails!
Blessed are the peacemakers!!