We live in a time where lots of people are pointing a finger at someone else for their problems. We seriously do need to stop that and look in the mirror and take responsibility for our own choices and actions. We need to work on ourselves. We need to get out of the victim mentality and see what our own thinking and mindsets are doing to block our growth.
Do we even want to grow? Or do we want to stay right where we are? We need help if we want to grow, we usually can’t do it alone. God provides many avenues for growth and I am grateful for that!! We have to be open for help and willing to say that we don’t have all the answers. We have to be teachable.
We have to be willing to take action to dig ourselves out of a pit!! Different people need different things. We aren’t all cookie cutter people, but we all have to be open to the fact that if we can’t follow someone else we will probably not be a good leader. Leadership takes humility and the ability to honor others.
Good leaders need to keep working on themselves and getting cleaned up on the inside so they aren’t taking offense and getting full of bitterness and resentments. Love never fails!
We can always find things all around us to make us angry and drag us down. The negativity we can pick up in this world today is HUGE!! We have to make our own decision to think on things that are pure, lovely, and of good report like the Bible says.
What are we contributing that might be wrong? What do we need to work on in ourselves that might help and encourage others? What do we need to take our hands off of and let someone figure out for themselves? When do we just need to get honest with ourselves about something in us? Honesty is the best way to go!! What’s going on in your heart? What is God really saying to you?
Stop thinking others are your problem❤️
Dig out the hurts that are hindering you❤️
Admit when you are wrong❤️
Don’t be afraid of your faults❤️
Nobody is perfect❤️
Love never fails❤️
See you soon❤️