There are so many times that I will just think it is completely gone and I will think, “Oh good! Now I can just be a normal person!” But NO… it always shows up again and it always gets rolling again! I really am glad though, because I KNOW I am supposed to be doing it, I just don’t always know how!
Sometimes we just have to blunder along the way a little to run right back into that thing!! Really, it’s a part of us and it is our destiny! So we can run but we can’t hide!! Do you have something that keeps popping up… just a gut feeling and a “knowing” that you have to be doing something?
I want to encourage you today…keep listening to that still, small voice inside and you for sure will do the right thing! There are obstacles along the way… there are for sure distractions. But you listen to that voice and you WILL fulfill your destiny.
People can even mislead you by wanting you to do other things…some can do the other things…but not you, you are chosen! You have to stay on that narrow path or it just won’t work out for you! You are the only one on earth that can do this! Your life has taught you how to do it!!
Just jump in!! Don’t run anymore!! Come into agreement with it and own it!! Once you do, you won’t believe the miracles that can happen! Finances will come in, good fruit starts coming forth!! You will get all kinds of confirmations!
Don’t give up!!
Listen to the still, small voice!!
Destiny awaits!!
Only YOU can do it!!
There WILL be a way, where there seems to be no way!!
See you soon!!❤️
Great encouragement Jill!
God bless xx