Find your purpose…

No matter what is going on in this world it is still time to find our purpose. It’s not time to give up, it’s not time to stop dreaming. It’s not time to think that the slowing down will stop our dreams.

There are hurting people that need help, more so than ever. It’s time for our voices to be heard. It’s time to get connected to the people that can hook us up with our highest potential. Negativity just will not fit where we need to go. Is something tearing you down or not serving you well? You just have to let it go!

We have to learn to read books by people that have walked where we need to walk and done things that we want to accomplish. We need to be inspired to find our gifts and what makes us passionate!

We need to stop finding all the things that are wrong in our lives and start thinking about all the things that are right. We have to get creative and find ways to help others succeed! If we can’t be happy be happy for someone that is doing wonderful! Learn from them and be teachable.

We need to stop thinking that everyone just wants our money and we don’t need to hear what they have to say. Sometimes it is time to invest in ourselves. We are the best investment that we can make and we are definitely worth it.

All we need is faith the size of a mustard seed… that is very small… and we can start moving mountains! We sometimes need to get help if we can’t find even that size of faith. It’s there, we just need to build it up like a muscle.

Sooo let’s do this! Let’s find people that we need to be like, let’s listen to their YouTube messages, read their books, and get fed into our spirits what they are doing to get where they are and be who they are. It’s our responsibility to fulfill our destiny, dreams and not give up!

We grow when we are outside of our comfort zone. Let’s make this change in our world a time of growth! Let’s be around people that are thriving not just surviving! We are on this earth a short time, let’s make the best of it and make it count! Shine where you are supposed to shine!

Set those goals and accomplish them!

Time for the excuses to stop!

We can’t blame others for our unhappiness!

It’s time to stand up and make a difference!

We only live once with only so many days!

Let’s make each day count!

See you soon!!


4 Replies to “Find your purpose…”

  1. Wonderful advice, Jill. These are difficult times and it is too easy to withdraw, to hold back in the face of it all. Thank you for the reminder that we can bring more to the world. Sitting back does nothing, helps no one. Let’s keep pressing in, friend!

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