We can’t get our happiness inside from what other people give to us. They are imperfect people. They hurt, they have drama, they have trauma. It has to come from a source bigger than that!
That’s probably the biggest lesson to learn in life…confidence has to be developed. Confidence comes from the inside, from the heart. It’s not about building a tough wall around your heart. It’s about a change of heart.
It’s about accepting a power greater than yourself to love you! It’s about loving yourself! It’s about celebrating yourself! It’s about enjoying yourself and even learning from yourself!
It’s not selfish to do that! We can’t love others fully without doing that! We would be too wounded!! We would be full of bitterness and unforgiveness!! We have to be full of love!!
You know it is better for us to see something exactly in the light of what it is, than to keep expecting something to come out of it that isn’t possible. In other words if someone just continually cannot be there for you, it is better to say, “They are human, they aren’t able to perfectly love me.” Than to keep expecting something to come out of them that they aren’t capable of delivering.
Let’s face it, people are people, they can’t meet all of our needs, and we can’t meet all of theirs! In our relationships we want people that do genuinely care about us and we can see that they do. They have a conscience. They have something to give back to us, not just all taking. They are an asset not a liability. There is a trust there.
But when people end we have to seek love from God and ourselves!
Learn to love you!
Learn to receive from others and God!
Learn that you are NEVER alone!
Develop your confidence!
Know that you are beautiful without needing someone to tell you!!
See you soon!!💖