Failure is not failure…👍🏼

I love that!! It’s so true too! Failure is just a lie that our minds tell us to keep us failing. If you believe you are a failure then you remain one. If you learn from a time when you fail, I call that a success.

The enemy of our soul can feed all kinds of lies into our mind and convince us of how we can’t do this or do that!! We do have to be clear about what we need to be doing, but usually we can figure that out if we try it and it just doesn’t work out.

If we are not afraid of failing, we aren’t so afraid to take risks. Risk taking is healthy and full of faith. From all the calamities and disasters that I have been involved in, I learned SO much! I learned that you can’t present someone with a bunch of do’s and dont’s if you can’t be in a relationship with them and walk it out with them.

Sometimes people aren’t capable of what we expect of them. Sometimes we expect too much out of people and don’t put ourselves in their shoes. Empathy is a very needed thing in our culture. People need to be heard and understood.

I have learned that if the people around you really are celebrating you and who you are, that you start believing you are somebody. We love to take people through sessions at our house and figure out all of the lies in their mind and then help them find the truth and walk it out.

If someone is walking around believing all these lies, it’s hard for them to rise above it!! Of course there is always a balance here too. Some people are happy just the way they are, don’t want to change, and you just have to let them be where they are. It’s good to be able to discern between the two so you don’t waste their time and yours. We can’t control anyone else and it’s not our responsibility to do so.

Being teachable and learning, are the keys to success. Finding people that are doing what you want to be doing and learn from them. Be humble and not thinking you already know everything. Being open to God’s leading. If you aren’t even capable of that, be around people that can get you there.

We aren’t meant to be isolated islands. We are meant to be around people. Learning and growing, and sharing what we know too. Every one reading this has a purpose and lots to offer to whoever you are assigned to.

Don’t ever think you have failed beyond repair. There is ALWAYS hope for a turnaround. There can always be a SHIFT in things. We all make mistakes, we all learn from mistakes and take the things we need from that experience.

We brush the dust off, become an overcomer, go on to the next adventure with more wisdom and more humility.

Life is positively positive!!

Failure is not failure!!

Tomorrow❤    ( I still need to learn hashtags ##) ……I will😊

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