Just want to encourage you today to remember to enjoy life. It doesn’t matter what you are dealing with, find little nuggets along the way. Life isn’t meant to be just endured, it’s meant for fulfillment and pleasure along the way.
If we are finding ourselves in a place where we aren’t enjoying life, it might be time to check out what we are doing. Are we letting someone else steal our joy? Are we letting bitternesss or unforgiveness steal our joy?? Are we being stubborn or unteachable about something or someone?
We can’t have lots of things going on inside and really enjoy life, we have to throw them overboard!! Yes!! Gotta get rid of excess baggage!!
I’m so excited right now because I am a people person and getting to know lots of new people. It’s so fun because it ends up being such a small world. Someone from here ends up knowing someone from there and what it all boils down to is that we are all connected in one way or another.
Life can be fun and we can enjoy!! There is always that opposition coming along trying to stop us! It can sneak up from nowhere!! In fact, it’s so funny… I actually wrote this a couple of days ago and decided that I wanted to put a song on here. Well, I played around trying to figure out how to get it on here and ended up not posting the page for about 3 days!!
See what I mean?? Opposition!! I started writing a new page this morning and couldn’t think of anything to write about!! Bahaha!!! That’s a lie and a joke!! Almost fell for it and I decided to pick up this post again!!
This week the reality of the way we are really getting to help so many people hit me. Wow!! These middle school children and the things they deal with!! Tugs at your heart. Some don’t want to go home. I’m so happy to get to love on them. Then the adults we have the honor of ministering to and praying for… I have to say I ENJOY doing this, it’s what I was created for.
I hope you can find good things about life today!! I get to meet 3 friends for lunch today, move a young friend’s things to a storage building, that we got in a home for girls that have been sex trafficked, see 2 grandchildren for a couple of hours, and have a date night with my man!!
That’s a fun day after a busy week!! I hope life is treating you well!! Remember to enjoy!! Remember to take care of you in the middle of other things!! I mean really do that!!!
Smell the roses🌹
Include Jesus and prayer❤
Help others❤
Keep moving forward❤
Throw baggage overboard❤
See you soon❤