It really spoke to me also! One reason it spoke to me is because I actually lost my voice and what I wanted to say for about 10 years!! Some of it was from past trauma…I was raped at knifepoint at 23 years old.
Some of the reason for losing my voice is because I am a natural born nurturer and people pleaser! Some of it was because religion just literally tried to take me over and make me into something that “it” wanted me to be so I started pretending I was that!!
Don’t ever be something that you are not, so that you can please someone else!! You were born to be passionate, you were born to excel! You were born to shine…even if you may shine brighter than your leaders have ever understood!! There is no hierarchy in God’s Kingdom!! No competition!! We are all equal and used in our own unique gifts!
If you feel something dimming your light and snuffing you out…step back and think about it…do you need that? Is it helping you walk out your destiny? Is it exactly where you are supposed to be right now? The choice is yours!! Your God will not do that to you!! He created you for HUGE things! He is applauding you for any victory that you make!!
He wants to take any trauma that you’ve experienced and use it to help others!! You really are the only one that some people may feel comfortable talking to!! Don’t let any obstacles, rules, circumstances hold you back!! You were made to change the course of history possibly!!
Don’t be put in a box!!
Shine right where you are!!
The time is now to shine!!
Let me know if you are having trouble finding you!!
You rock just the way you are!!
No more games!!
If it’s going to happen… it’s all up to you!!
You have permission as of today!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️
See you sooooon!!😘❤️