I think correction should come from a place of such love that I know they are out for my welfare and sincerely want to spare me some trouble in my life.
Proverbs calls a man who loves correction a wise man. I have many different sources that I can receive counsel from. I always have because I know that I can get blindsided in life. I am very careful about just who speaks into my life. If someone speaks the wrong think it can bring confusion and wrong direction.
I measure it up with the Bible but people can even twist that around to go their own direction. People go around thumping people over the head with the Bible so much that lots of people stay away from anything to do with it. They pick out things that sound judgmental and slam people with it.
I personally know that God love’s me above anything else and I build on that love above anything else I may read in there. I know it is NOT HIS PURPOSE to correct someone before they know that He loves them. It is about relationship!
I wouldn’t listen as well to someone’s correction unless it’s built on a foundation of love and trust! I would say that most of us need encouragement with our correction!
Love with correction…
Encouragement with correction…
Find a good tribe…
Learn from correction…
Grow from correction…
Be a loving, relational corrector…
See you soon❤️