No matter what you have and what you acquire in this world, it’s good to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. It’s good to be simple and remain in reality. It’s ok to get excited about things, it’s ok to learn and grow in new ways, but the main thing is hanging on to you and your purpose and what you bring to this Earth.
Sometimes it may be something as simple as sitting with a sick friend, sometimes it may be watching your grandchildren…and other times it may be something more grand and large. We have no control of the grand and large things and can’t sit and be sad if those days aren’t here! We have to embrace the everyday mundane and quiet times and find the little treasures in each day. It’s not really good for us to get everything we want all the time…we don’t appreciate it and it’s not as valuable.
It’s wonderful to be able to get excited over itsy, bitsy things! To find the joy in these things! To be grateful for these things! To know that the grass is not greener on the other side and the happiness and joy that we have comes mostly in how we look at things!
It’s the little surprises along the way… the little joys, the nice thing that someone may say, the way a problem that was insurmountable works out, the little surprises! Don’t loose the wonder… the knowing that the surprises are around the corner… the knowing that even though you have had many bleak days there is going to be a little surprise coming! Maybe not an ENORMOUS breakthrough but maybe a small new truth in your life!!
It’s all about our gratitude, acceptance, surprises, and little joys along the way! It’s all about HOPE!
Perception is
Can you wrap your mind around that? It’s what I learned through suffering and I wouldn’t trade that lesson for anything!
Enjoy right where you are!
Embrace little surprises!
Keep it simple!
The little things are as good as the BIG things!
Don’t give up HOPE!
There’s a surprise in every hard day!!
See you soon❣️