
Hello…just sharing today about connections. We are not supposed to walk arm in arm with just everyone…not because we don’t like them, simply because we aren’t traveling on the same path. We can actually go through something quite uncomfortable to make us #Shift back into the path we are supposed to be on.

How many times have you felt this? We can’t take everything personal and be hurt by closed doors! Usually closed doors are for our benefit! Of course it has to sting for a little while to get our attention… but we have to work through those things.

There are several things to work through when we encounter these situations:

1. Was there an unhealthy soul tie there that needs to be broken and cleaned up?

2. Were there any word curses or bad things spoken about us or that we may have spoken about others? We need to get our heart cleaned up from any hurts from this.

3. Any things that we are believing about ourselves that are simply not true? We have to concentrate on the truth about us and our gifts, calling, and purpose!

4. We can’t beat ourselves up if we do make a mistake! Just learn every lesson you can from that mistake!

If you haven’t read my book #shift Happens… here is the link to it…

I am now writing the 3rd book that will be speaking about many of these same things!

If you need to have a 30 minute coffee chat for direction simply reply back to me!!

I am cheering you on for your dreams to come true!!

I want to help you beat distractions!!

I want to help you get UNSTUCK and out of old patterns!!

Time to move forward!!

See you soon!!❤️❤️❤️

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