Golden nuggets from heaven✨🌟💫

Today is my birthday and 4 days to launch day‼️ I have a fabulous miracle that I would like to share with you today. I’ve always been the sort of person that felt like I don’t want to bug people by sending out my emails to them. I’ve changed now to the kind of person that hopes you don’t miss my emails when I send them out!

Persevering through negativity and opposition is what got me on the other side of that thinking. I’m so grateful that I didn’t stop when people would unsubscribe and I learned not to take it personal when even your best friends don’t want to read your blog or even care or be interested in what you do. That just showed me more how NOT to be. What I am getting ready to share with you is very special to my heart and it’s truly a miracle that happened.

Well you know that I get together at the beginning of the year and do vision boards with people and here’s mine from the beginning of this year, 2019:

I’m sharing this because in the middle of the page you will notice all the “re” words, and that’s a significant thing that ties into what I’m sharing.

Also, I just wrote a new book coming out on Amazon on Friday, November 15th, called Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom.” In the book I talk about “digging people out” of being stuck. That is what we are really doing with people. In the book I say something about “sowing seeds and It’s Harvest Time.” That wasn’t me saying that, it was the Father. Seriously, I don’t go around saying that all the time.

I am from around the St. Louis metropolitan area, and I used to go to Joyce Meyer meetings when they just started. There was this man, Kent Henry, that led worship for many events and is still ananointed worship leader. Very gifted and prophetic.

I now live 2 hours south of there and heard that he was coming to a church in the area. I knew I was supposed to be at the meeting. He never knew me or knew anything about me when I would go to these meetings. I was just a hurting person out in the crowd trying to get “unstuck” from my hard, desperate place in life. Getting all the help I could to dig out of my mess.

My husband, Marty, ran home before the last meeting and got an ink pen we had bought at a conference last year, and the pen was from the Second Great Awakening in America. Google and read about it if you don’t know about it. He knew he was supposed to give the pen to Kent and that Kent is going to be a part of the Third Great Awakening that is coming.

So—remember the “re” words on my vision board and the part in my book where I talk about sowing seeds and it’s harvest time. Now I am going to share something very special from me to you that came from my Father in heaven to me on Saturday November 9th, 2019. The first part is Marty giving the pen… the second part is what Kent spoke to us and knew nothing about us:

I hope that worked and you could hear it. And I hope you know my heart and know that what I am telling you is not just for special people, it is for everyone. It is different for everyone, it may not come like mine did and that’s fine, but if you sow seeds it will come back to you in a harvest. A principle that God put into the universe seed time and harvest.

It’s a principle that will happen for you!

Get the book free on Amazon Nov. 15th if you want to read more!

Reviews are a good seed for more people to read it!

Get out of the stuck place that Americans are in!

It’s Harvest time!

Blessings to you!

See you soon! Going to enjoy my birthday!😍

Announcement today‼️

Hope that you are doing well today. I’ve been busy pulling things together for a book launch! That is the announcement that I want to make! The day that I am launching Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom is November 15, 2019.

It feels surreal to be doing this again. I wasn’t really planning on it and before I know it I am in the middle of it. Must just be meant to be. I love to journal and write, in fact I encourage others to journal and write their feelings each day. It’s part of hearing the Father’s voice. It’s great to just take off writing and it can be edited later.

I thank you for hanging with me on the blog spot! Life has to be passionate and exciting in order to keep going! We need something in our lives to be looking forward to. I think that has helped me recover from trauma more than anything, having things to look forward to and finding my purpose, which is helping others find their purpose!

I hope that life is treating you well and I hope that you are finding what you enjoy and doing it. If you can, I hope that you can grab a free copy of my book on November 15 and leave a review after you read it. As a self publisher reviews help our books get rolling.

For doing that, I offer a free half hour consultation to just talk about your life with us. We can help you get things sorted out! My husband Marty and I do this together. Don’t hesitate getting the book and don’t hesitate booking a call with us!

• Make every day count!

• Don’t put off starting!

• You are worth it all!

• Thanks for being here!

• See you soon!

Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom launch tribe

I realize that some of you did not request to be on my launch team and I understand if you don’t know what is expected as far as downloading and reviewing. We aren’t there yet so it’s ok. I just felt that you were on my blog post team so I decided to include you in reading the book. You know my deepest feelings and things I deal with anyway!

Here is the PDF of the final copy of the book before it’s been formatted:

I am getting butterflies while I just did that and I would love any input that you may have as far as a mistake you may see!

Friends, do not give up on your dreams! They can and do really happen! Thanks for being a part of my life! Let me know if you have any questions! It’s really easy to help with a book launch, I’ve done many, many of them!

Bless you

Have a wonderful day!


Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom book launch coming🚀

Happy Monday to you! Just sending this to invite you to my book launch. If you feel like you would like to participate just send me a quick email back letting me know.

I just sent the book back the second time to the editor so I will be deciding the date soon. I also have a private Facebook page for the launch tribe. If you would like to be added let me know❣️

I will probably branch the launch posts off of this one because this is my blogs. Just making sure to include you if you wanted to join.

What it entails is that you would get a free copy of my book that I will send you, and you will read it early before it comes out on Amazon. When it comes out, you download, scroll through it and wait the appropriate amount of time and review it (probably a couple of hours.) It is a very short read. I would love to get several reviews to get it rolling.

I also want to serve you well as readers. I do appreciate you being here and I love to share new things with you. Here’s the cover:

I want to be here to inspire and encourage you in anyway possible!!

Bless your day💜

Thanks see you soon❣️

Any questions? Let me know👍🏼


Sleep…sweet sleep!

I think that I have spent most of my life just making it on not so much sleep. But I do believe that for several years there was lots of chaos and trauma going on in my life and it would wake me up at night.

When there is lots of change going on, or excitement about something it can affect my sleep patterns. I have gotten so much better lately. I have actually been spending time cleaning up things going on in my everyday life by doing some meditations. These meditations are giving all my hurts, any unforgiving thoughts, fear, negative emotions to the Father (God)… the loving God that I’ve come to understand.

It’s also good to try to do some decluttering in my house too. When things are finished, cleaned up and gone, we can go to sleep feeling calm and like things are resolved and taken care of.

I’ve taken a course called “Unleashing Healing Power through Spirit-Led Emotions” and that has given me more wisdom about this and the meditations that go along with it. I’ve been led into making meditations myself and now creating a YouTube channel bringing them all together. I love it because I know if it helps me it will help others also.

I’ve learned so many scientific and biblical ways that meditation, diet, exercise and visualization can help us transform our bodies and lives. I have to have life changing God stories for today in my life not just old stories from the past. People need their lives changed TODAY!!

I’ve learned that our brains don’t know the difference between seeing something and actually doing something. That’s why the vision boards that we do are so successful because we are actually putting what we want for the next year out there and calling it in. Most of it is ideas that have been placed in our hearts and mind from our creator… our Father (God)…and we are making it visual on paper and calling it forth!! I love this because it makes me understand more how it actually works and happens.

I’m going to let you have my last meditation that I made for sleep only because you all are my tribe….

Relax and rest friends… we are being taken care of by a Heavenly Father that wants our life to be peaceful and abundant!! Let it all go…. stress and trauma don’t need to dominate our thoughts and our lives and our destiny.

We can stay away from drama, it’s hurts our health and our sleep. We can get out of negativity and poverty and invite more positivity and abundance into our lives. I’ve been doing it and it’s actually happening.

All of these things are actually ancient Biblical teachings that I didn’t understand until now! There have been hidden treasures that I haven’t known but I’m learning and it’s transforming. Even dreams are important for hearing more truths and revelation in our sleep.

More to come my friends…

Change in your life is possible!

Peace is possible!

Joy is possible!

Rest and relaxation is possible!

Stay with me as I go on this adventure!

You are worth it and you deserve it!

See you soon!