Bet you can’t guess my subject!

Well yes I don’t think you could be walking through this week and not be affected by it. But I’ve learned through my times of trauma that things can get so far out there and then finally I just take it and throw it all up in the air and say, “Ok God you got this!” I mean really what else can we do sometimes?

I got a little freaked this week because my granddaughter will be flying from St. Louis to Dallas to see her dad over spring break. I realized that NOTHING is in our control! I’ve had to surrender so many things over to my Father! That’s one thing good about going through so many traumas, it taught me how to respond in the face of trauma.

I would have never made it without faith! I think we need to have wisdom about some things, but we are not in charge of everything!

These are wise words! If we are not able in our own abilities to change something then we have to let it go.

We are going to a training tomorrow for our Healing House and have had confirmations all week that we are on the right track! We are getting lots of appointments set up and amazing things are happening, we have a team going down with us.

That’s what I have to keep my eyes on, my destiny and helping others find theirs. This couldn’t be a more important time to start a healing house! We have to admit, we need some miracles, we need revival in our land. People are desperate! They need help, they need answers. Many have not been feeling their feelings and everything is catching up with them.

We need to hear from our Father in heaven. We need to be wise. I’m just remembering everyone at this time in my prayers. Lots of questions in our minds about situations. Lots of things that we can’t do anything about.

Stay focused on the good things.

Try to go with the flow.

Pursue your dreams and destiny.

There is a perfect plan and purpose for your life.

Things will change.

Fear is not welcome.

See you soon!


Try to stay focused❣️

We had a seriously “heavenly” experience last week at a conference. I’m so grateful for some of the pure golden nuggets that we received to help us move forward into our destiny.

I like when I see real live fruit come forth from doing things. I know that the reason I get these things is to give them out.

There is a time to receive because if there weren’t we would never have anything, but we have had a time a giving our gifts to others and serving others. Not always with money, because we haven’t always had the extra, but with our abilities and talents and things that we have been given.

What we have, keeps multiplying because of these principles. Our voice is a voice of encouragement to hurting people in this world. People that have had trauma and torment.

There are times that I have gotten distracted by what other people are supposed to do and wonder if I should do things that way. My Heavenly Father always calls me back to the place where He wants me and doing things the way I’m created to do them.

We have to remember our own unique voice. We haven’t gone through all of these things we’ve been through for no reason… it’s been to grow and give it out to others. What we carry inside is very important, that’s why we can’t get sidetracked and we can’t get caught up in just watching others live out their destiny but not pursuing our own.

Stay focused on your unique voice.

You can’t outgive our Father.

He multiplies what we give.

There’s a time to receive too.

Keep your eyes on Him, He will let you know who you are, and what you are called to do.

We need to help others succeed, once we start succeeding!

Don’t give up on those dreams in your heart!

See you next Friday!

~jill 🌸

Find you and love you!

I’ve wondered why I can get so lost in negative feelings and emotions that I can practically lose me. I can walk in a room and all of the things going on behind the scenes can speak very loud to me. When you feel like this, there aren’t lots of people that you can talk to about it.

I’ve wondered why when I mention some of these things to people that I can sound like I’m crazy. It’s getting more pronounced as it goes on too and then today it all came clear. I was told at a conference that I am a prophetic feeler. I was told that by someone with a prophetic gift and it was 100% confirmation to me.

It’s so wonderful to just get clear about who you are and what your gifts are. We all have gifts, we all have talents. It’s so freeing to find what your purpose and destiny are. I have been through lots of trauma in my life and in many ways that shaped me and helped me be a healer to people that have been through trauma themselves.

Every one of us has our own special identity and we are created to be so unique. These prophetic feelings that I feel can help me know things and help get to the bottom of things with people and what they are dealing with. It’s not 100% correct every time but it is most of the time.

I urge you to find out what your gifts are and how they play into your identity and purpose in your life. When you get to the bottom of some of these things, the picture gets clearer about why you do the things you do.

There are different kinds of personality tests and even tests to find out your gifts. You may already have an idea. Usually something we have struggled with and overcame is exactly what we can help others break free from.

It’s wonderful to be able to love and celebrate you! You are the only one like you and the only one with your voice, with your fingerprint, and with your message! It’s time to shine!

It’s time to love you!

You are special and unique!

You’re the only one like you!

You’ve got a story!

See you soon!

~jill 🌸

How’s 2020 going?

Y’all know I start the year with a vision board, right? I also got on the Vision 101 course, by Terri Savelle Foy. I have to admit the Vision 101 course is fabulous and it’s shaking my world.

Last year I was doing my hour of power by 20 minutes of reading or listening to something motivational, 20 minutes of journaling and hearing the Father’s voice, and 20 minutes of exercise.

So, Marty and I decided to join Planet Fitness in the town next to us which is a wonderful place. The price is right, it truly is a “no judgment zone,” and they have these little extras after you exercise like the water massage, a vibration booth with ultra violet rays, and tanning for the people that want it.

My new dilemma is to figure out how I can do this hour of power first thing in the morn with driving to the gym, working out, and driving home included. I was exercising with YouTube before. Two times this week Marty went ahead to the gym and I stayed home and did things my old way. I asked him if he missed me at the workout and he said that he likes it when I go.

I have to dig a little deeper and go for a little more change now. I am thinking that if I get EarPods, Earbuds, Airbuds, or Airpods for my Bluetooth on my phone and go ahead and get unlimited data on my phone, then I can kill one of the twenty minute things while I am doing my exercise at the gym, and do the journaling before I leave to go exercise in the morn.

It’s ok to change things up a bit, because lots of times if we don’t change things, we get stuck in a plateau in our weight and in our workout. Change is good!

At first change seems hard, but it is always good to be stretched out of our comfort zone. It makes us feel fulfilled in the process. Whatever you do, don’t resist change.

There is good, and there is better! What I was doing before was good. But what I am getting ready to do is going to be better. There are also some new connections and exciting things starting to come our way and I will be sharing them soon.

Another goal I have for this year is to send a blog out once a week. They should–I mean WILL— be coming out every Friday. That is called accountability and actually so is my working out with Marty.

Accountability and Change are good!

•I will be accountable!

•I will change.

•I will have a good attitude while I am doing it!

•I challenge you to do it too!

•We got this!

•See you soon!

~jill 🌸

Restored to Bloom

Reclaiming in 2020

“Reclaim” is my word for this year and it’s fun to watch as the little things start coming about. Reclaim means to retrieve or recover. It also means to cultivate.

We can see that it is a new season for us. Things are shifting and changing. It’s been over a year since we moved on from “Agape House” a ministry helping kids in a small town near us. They come in on Wednesdays after school, get fed a meal, and have a worship. It’s a great place and God has helped many troubled kids that have come through the doors.

It was time for other things for us at and we went and got trained in Texas and also got freedom for ourselves in Texas from life traumas and hurts that we’ve been through.

After I heard Terri Savelle Foy’s Youtube video the earlier this week, I knew that I needed to vamp up my exercise program, I was starting to lag a bit.

We just got a new Planet Fitness in our area and Marty and I decided to stop procrastinating and go join. We went in and did just that!

What I have seen is that when I take a drastic action, things start flowing in. The next day I got a text that someone from Agape House wanted to meet and talk to us. We had all kinds of thoughts and were real curious about it.

Finally the day came to talk to them and they presented their need. A young boy 13 is in need, he needs someone to come alongside of him and just “love” him. Yes we can do that! We thought we would have to pray and think about what they needed us to do, but, “Yes!” What a blessing and an honor to be approached with this.

This is where my word Reclaim comes into play. This place is a place that is very dear to my heart. We get to go back and reclaim some territory there.

Any seeds that we sow are never wasted. Even any seeds we sow into our own lives are never wasted in helping other lives. I love the way it works. When we make a move to get out of our own stuck place and it leads to getting others unstuck every time! It’s not all about us it’s about helping others!

Let’s try to get ourselves in a strong place so we can help others! Think about your word for this year… have you picked one? How can it line up with your superpower?

Can’t make this stuff up!

It’s so fun!

You can do this too!

See you soon!

~jill 🌸