
I remember the day well that the reality hit me. I heard on a private Facebook post that a conference with 4000 people had been cancelled. I instantly realized this was a big deal. I instantly thought, “My thirteen year old granddaughter is not going to be able to fly to the other side of the nation right now!”

I remember voicing that to different people and sounding crazy, but I knew that I knew…this was BIG. I had to wait…I had to let the process hit other people the way that it had to hit me. I needed to pray and let go!

Something that I have learned is that I cannot control things. I have to trust my Father, that is Large and in charge of it all. As the days went by that week, more and more happened, and finally at the end of the week hardly anyone was flying and she stayed home.

We really have to hold onto everything with open hands! Even now as we are about six weeks into this thing, every time that our lockdown gets extended and every time that we hear the numbers, I have to stop and think, “What are we heading into?”

I’ve seen this so many times in my life that everything has to just blowup in order to fall into place. Change was definitely needed in our world, I knew it, you probably knew it… but sometimes it has to get messy before it can change!

That’s where we are today in the messy! We will get to the other side of this thing! I know that we will! We just have to focus on just one day at a time and see what we have to do that day! I joined an online Bible study called Be Still, that just happened to come across my path by some “coincidence.” This will be once a week through May.

We just have to readjust, think of the good things about these times of not being so busy. Pray for the people that are ill and their families, and I am so sorry if one of your loved ones or someone that you know has been affected by this dreadful illness.

Keep our eyes on the Father, stay focused on our dreams, and Breathe! One thing that we will always have on this earth is death and trials. No way around it, we just have to learn to trust our Father, know that He knows best, and take every thought captive that would tear us down! It’s a battle but we can do it!

If you need any help or need someone to talk to please get ahold of me!

We really are in this together!

No time to give up now!

Keep on believing!

Keep pressing onto your destiny!

He makes a way where there is no way!

You got this!❣️

See you soon❤️

Divine Favor

There has been many times in my life where the favor of God has definitely shown up and amazing things have happened. Yesterday was one of those times where we are on quarantine and Marty had to get a tube in his ear that had fallen out. The procedure had to be done at the hospital and of course I wasn’t allowed to go in.

Much to my surprise I called Cracker Barrel and they told me I could come in an order something and even hang out in the store. Well, much to my surprise I even got to use the restroom there!! Can’t get much better than that but it did. The young man that worked there told me that I was his friend now and whatever wasn’t 70% off he would give me his discount which was 50% off. Now, if this isn’t favor from God, I don’t know what it!!

After living for many years having to walk a pretty tight rope, it was wonderful to be able to just plunge in and have fun getting whatever I needed and not even have a care about it! I don’t think I had really ever done that in my life. It was just and anointed to shop spending day.

I call that divine favor, and while I was in there, I got this text from Terry Savelle Foy, who I am taking a course by this year and this is what it said:

And I read it and knew that it was true because I had walked that place many times! Before I got finished and left, I ordered Marty and I two teas. A lady came in the store and said, I would like to get both of your teas for you!

I certainly felt like I was being treated like royalty yesterday and it could have been a very boring and mundane day! I am so thankful that I got to have that special day and I hope that you are working your days out and getting favor along the way.

Our Father will speak to us and show us exactly where we are supposed to be and bless us so abundantly! Today is day 13 of a 21 day challenge proclaiming the Favor of God over my life and I have seen it shining through loud and clear!

Favor is for everyone and He lives to pour it out on us! Don’t be afraid to ask your Heavenly Father for favor and you will see wonderful things showing up to bless you! Our days ahead do not have to be dismal! We have to make the best of each one!

Test Him…He will show up!

He will make a road in the wilderness!

Make each day count and try to help others!

Try to embrace the change and walk in it!

See you soon!


Can’t quit now…

We are moving into a new phase of the Covid-19 virus. As we were watching our four grandchildren yesterday I have to admit that when I heard that school was pronounced closed for the rest of the year and I looked at my granddaughter that just started a new school this year in January, and was just starting to get used to it, I saw the sadness on her face. Change again…

The only thing that we can be assured of at this point is that change in life is inevitable. I went through a several year season in life where I got shook to the core. But I have to say that I came out stronger. I believe that all of us will come out stronger if we are blessed enough to survive this pandemic.

I had to learn that everything is all about our perspective. If we can look at things and see what we are learning through the process, then the process hasn’t been useless!

I would like to share with you one of my meditations that I offer on YouTube:

I tried making one the other day and had tech problems. What I learned through that was that I’m thankful that I had one already made to send today…we have to be grateful for what we have.

We can’t protect our loved ones from pain and suffering!

Keep on moving forward!

No time to quit with your dreams and plans now!

This is just the training for your purpose!

Be grateful for the little things!

We can’t control everything we have to surrender it to our Father!

See you soon!

Stretch that Faith!

Well it’s easy to stretch our faith in easy times, but what about impossible times? It’s just not quite so easy then? The more we exercise that faith muscle the more it grows.

It’s ok to doubt, we all doubt at times, that doesn’t mean that we don’t believe. We have to take action in the middle of our doubt. That’s when the gold starts flowing. That’s when we flow in the supernatural, when we sow into heaven’s resources.

Dream as big as you need and write the vision down! Be specific about what you have faith for and plant those seeds into other people’s lives and other places. It’s not like you are giving to get it back, but it’s a principle that just happens! Seed time and harvest! I wrote about this in my last book!

We have received so many miracles from just sowing our resources to people that need them! We weren’t even realizing that it would happen this way! I new it to a certain extent but God has shown Himself bigger to me than He ever had! Some things that we do to help people are very dear to His heart and He will make sure that we are provided for and that these things continue to happen!

Think about some things that need to happen in your life to make your dreams come forth. Small goals, then larger goals. Then seeking His voice about what you need to sow. All of these things work together for an upgrade in your life!

Speaking more positive about life and what’s ahead! Whatever we think in our mind is the fruit that we produce in our lives! There are scriptures in the Bible to speak about any situation in our life that needs to break through!

James 2:17 “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

We don’t want our faith to be dead! We want it to be alive and well and flourishing. We have to take some kind of action to sow into the things that we are believing!

We have to battle and move forward! We can’t expect things to just find us and fall into our laps! It’s not usually for us anyway, it’s for others. It’s to help others come up higher. If we come up higher it’s so we can bless others and help them.

Life is much more fulfilling if it’s not about blessing ourselves, but about blessing others. If you want to break down some things that I’m talking about, let me know…I can help.

Your faith can stretch real, real big!

Take that action!

Start now, no need to wait!

What do you believe?

What do you need in your life?

Keep your promises to yourself!

I can help!

See you soon!


Lean into it and learn

I often have been so thankful for the hard times that I’ve been through because I have learned so much during those times!

I started out this year doing my vision board like I have the last three years. It’s quite unbelievable the way these things really do happen!

Three things that I can think of right off the top of my head:

One thing is the Healing House. Doors flying open and people getting drawn to us that want to be a part of it. Then the nation got hit!

At first everything got all shifted and changed around, then I realized it was falling right where it was supposed to be. The Healing House is in the Father’s hands because it’s His plan.

The next thing and I know it may sound materialistic but it’s really not, it’s my car. I have lived many, many years just making it. This was a fabulous lesson and place to be because I learned many things in that place! I learned to trust my Father and have faith and I saw that He always came through in amazing ways. I put a light colored Tahoe on the vision board and Marty found a used one that’s just like brand new!! Yes now I can haul everyone in my car especially grandchildren! Which brings me to the next thing that has come to pass.

Grandchildren! We have had grandchildren staying with us lots because our children are working during this Corona outburst. I had put Family on the board and sure enough more quality time with the kids! So this has been quite a blessing.

Well I said three but I do have one more thing. We have been provided for by our Father so we can help others! I’m so grateful for that!

You really can’t make up these things! They are facts that have been happening because I’ve made the vision known! It brings the faith, expectations, and law of attraction into being!

These are ancient Biblical principles and will keep happening even though we are in this difficult season. It won’t do anyone any good for us to sit and complain and talk about all of the bad things going on. We need to create wonderful things in our world!

We need to partner with our creator!

He knows more than we do!

He’s leading–we are following!

Let your faith shine!

Write your vision, make it clear!

See you soon!