Wow my first blog day!! I have a sneaking suspicion this is something I am supposed to be doing, because I had lots of opposition getting on here!! But up and rolling now and here we goooo!!
How is your day going? I have been gone over the weekend so just trying to get settled in back home… have recently had a shift in my life and getting way, way more busy than before… so thinking about priorities and figuring out what I’m really supposed to be doing and not doing, and of course there has to be time to rest and take care of ourselves.
You know what I mean by a SHIFT?? When everything seems to all change at once. I have had that happen many times in my life and I would like to help others figure out how to reroute when that happens! I am by no means an expert at it but I have been through many HUGE changes in my life!! I mean many completely getting the rug pulled out changes in my life!! When this happens we need to learn how to LET GO!! So what better way to learn than to go through it many, many times!!
When we are in times of transition we also must remember that things just are not perfect at that time. I would imagine that someone that hates change would be in a nightmare during that time. I mean who could really say that they LIKE change? I don’t think I could, but I can say that the end result of not changing is so, so worse than changing!!
One thing I have to learn to do now that I managed to get on this blog is to learn how to add things to it to make it look nice! This is probably so easy for some, but for me it is very, very scary!! I can’t believe I even got this far and that is VERY fun and exciting and worth the struggle!! Yay!!
As we go along we will be talking about many things. I was a victim of a crime at age 23, I got raped at knifepoint, I have had to have much Faith to hang on to sanity and much help!! So if I could do it, for sure you could too!! That’s just the itsy,bitsy beginning of all the traumas that I’ve been through!! So hope you join in while I’m on this journey to freedom and helping others get free!! It’s actually very exciting and I wouldn’t trade my story for anything under the sun!! It made me who I am today and I wouldn’t change me for anything!! I hope you make a point to be around people that love you and encourage you today because that’s one way to love yourself!!
I think I want to try this tomorrow too!😊❤