Celebrate other’s successes🎉🎊

Hi. You know, some of you may be thinking, “Hey, I’m not having any of these interesting things happening in MY life.” Well, you know the first way to make that happen? Start celebrating good things going on in other people’s lives.

If someone tells you about something good going on in their life, just start being genuinely happy for them. There aren’t lots of people doing that. Encourage them to be the best they can be. It’s a win win, when you are doing that. Guaranteed.

I’m not really saying to “pretend” to be happy because that’s just phony. I’m saying get yourself to a place where you are so cleaned up on the inside and have such a pure heart that you are REALLY happy!!

There are long periods of times sometimes where something good really doesn’t happen to you. I’ve had years, maybe even decades where things didn’t happen the way I expected. Sometimes I had to join in and be happy for someone else’s dream. I had to go with the plan that was in front of me. I had to SHIFT my mindsets and get settled with HIS plan.

Wow when we do that, what wonderful things happen!! It changes our hearts. It changes our motives!! It changes our character!! Then when it’s time for your Dream to happen, you know it’s not about you at all!!

When you know it’s not about you, you are in so much more rest about doing it! You don’t get on a pity party when things don’t go your way!! You know that when you are weak, that’s when HE shows up the strongest!! Oh yes HE does!!

He let me get to the point where I did not care what one person thought anymore. I really didn’t care what I thought was supposed to be happening anymore. When I got to that point, my dream started happening, because I didn’t own it! He did and does!!

So I know when you are hurting, and you go to church alone without your husband or without other people you would love to join you. Or your life seems so out of control or way far away from what you wanted or expected. It’s hard!! But don’t give up, nothing is wasted!! Keep on keeping on!! You are moving toward a better day!!

One day at a time!! Even if something crazy happens that you didn’t expect. Don’t let it make you give up! There is still hope! No matter what the situation is, how you think about it, is the main thing!!

Prov. 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

So that’s saying what we think, we will be. I’m not just telling you a scripture and thinking you can do that, though. I’m all about showing you the way to walk that out!! I’ve needed lots and lots of help from lots and lots of people to help me learn how to walk that out!! It’s not very easy sometimes!!

Keep being pliable and teachable and learning from the hard things. There are lots of lessons if you look for them. Sometimes you have to SHIFT your mind and dig deep! It’s there, keep looking!

Keep digging!

Keep knocking!

Keep celebrating others if you can! If you can’t, figure out why!!
