Those little pesky things that come to us and make us feel less than we are. The lies that could even keep us from stepping out and doing something that we were actually called to do.
Did you know that you can get rid of those lies if you bring them out in the light and actually replace them and turn them around to the truth about you and the truth about what you can accomplish?
We just have to face these false things that we are believing and realize that they are just what they are….FALSE!
Pray and think about this…mine were all about being rejected before but that is starting to change now. I am actually finding myself surrounded by a lot more people that are celebrating me and who I am!! Turning that around and not believing the lies anymore actually changed my life! It can for sure happen for you too!
Marty and I LOVE to help people do this! We love to help people get their lives turned around and get unstuck! It’s so fun to watch their lives and their thinking get transformed! Find someone in your life to be your accountability buddy and dig down into some of these things for the new year! You are definitely worth the investment!!
Bring those lies out of the darkness!
You are not bad, you are good!
Don’t believe it one more day!
You can help others change!
If you need help let me know!❣️
See you soon👍🏼😍
This book can help you work through it:
Have a fabulous day!!! 👍🏼❤️