Lean into it and learn

I often have been so thankful for the hard times that I’ve been through because I have learned so much during those times!

I started out this year doing my vision board like I have the last three years. It’s quite unbelievable the way these things really do happen!

Three things that I can think of right off the top of my head:

One thing is the Healing House. Doors flying open and people getting drawn to us that want to be a part of it. Then the nation got hit!

At first everything got all shifted and changed around, then I realized it was falling right where it was supposed to be. The Healing House is in the Father’s hands because it’s His plan.

The next thing and I know it may sound materialistic but it’s really not, it’s my car. I have lived many, many years just making it. This was a fabulous lesson and place to be because I learned many things in that place! I learned to trust my Father and have faith and I saw that He always came through in amazing ways. I put a light colored Tahoe on the vision board and Marty found a used one that’s just like brand new!! Yes now I can haul everyone in my car especially grandchildren! Which brings me to the next thing that has come to pass.

Grandchildren! We have had grandchildren staying with us lots because our children are working during this Corona outburst. I had put Family on the board and sure enough more quality time with the kids! So this has been quite a blessing.

Well I said three but I do have one more thing. We have been provided for by our Father so we can help others! I’m so grateful for that!

You really can’t make up these things! They are facts that have been happening because I’ve made the vision known! It brings the faith, expectations, and law of attraction into being!

These are ancient Biblical principles and will keep happening even though we are in this difficult season. It won’t do anyone any good for us to sit and complain and talk about all of the bad things going on. We need to create wonderful things in our world!

We need to partner with our creator!

He knows more than we do!

He’s leading–we are following!

Let your faith shine!

Write your vision, make it clear!

See you soon!

Bet you can’t guess my subject!

Well yes I don’t think you could be walking through this week and not be affected by it. But I’ve learned through my times of trauma that things can get so far out there and then finally I just take it and throw it all up in the air and say, “Ok God you got this!” I mean really what else can we do sometimes?

I got a little freaked this week because my granddaughter will be flying from St. Louis to Dallas to see her dad over spring break. I realized that NOTHING is in our control! I’ve had to surrender so many things over to my Father! That’s one thing good about going through so many traumas, it taught me how to respond in the face of trauma.

I would have never made it without faith! I think we need to have wisdom about some things, but we are not in charge of everything!

These are wise words! If we are not able in our own abilities to change something then we have to let it go.

We are going to a training tomorrow for our Healing House and have had confirmations all week that we are on the right track! We are getting lots of appointments set up and amazing things are happening, we have a team going down with us.

That’s what I have to keep my eyes on, my destiny and helping others find theirs. This couldn’t be a more important time to start a healing house! We have to admit, we need some miracles, we need revival in our land. People are desperate! They need help, they need answers. Many have not been feeling their feelings and everything is catching up with them.

We need to hear from our Father in heaven. We need to be wise. I’m just remembering everyone at this time in my prayers. Lots of questions in our minds about situations. Lots of things that we can’t do anything about.

Stay focused on the good things.

Try to go with the flow.

Pursue your dreams and destiny.

There is a perfect plan and purpose for your life.

Things will change.

Fear is not welcome.

See you soon!


Try to stay focused❣️

We had a seriously “heavenly” experience last week at a conference. I’m so grateful for some of the pure golden nuggets that we received to help us move forward into our destiny.

I like when I see real live fruit come forth from doing things. I know that the reason I get these things is to give them out.

There is a time to receive because if there weren’t we would never have anything, but we have had a time a giving our gifts to others and serving others. Not always with money, because we haven’t always had the extra, but with our abilities and talents and things that we have been given.

What we have, keeps multiplying because of these principles. Our voice is a voice of encouragement to hurting people in this world. People that have had trauma and torment.

There are times that I have gotten distracted by what other people are supposed to do and wonder if I should do things that way. My Heavenly Father always calls me back to the place where He wants me and doing things the way I’m created to do them.

We have to remember our own unique voice. We haven’t gone through all of these things we’ve been through for no reason… it’s been to grow and give it out to others. What we carry inside is very important, that’s why we can’t get sidetracked and we can’t get caught up in just watching others live out their destiny but not pursuing our own.

Stay focused on your unique voice.

You can’t outgive our Father.

He multiplies what we give.

There’s a time to receive too.

Keep your eyes on Him, He will let you know who you are, and what you are called to do.

We need to help others succeed, once we start succeeding!

Don’t give up on those dreams in your heart!

See you next Friday!

~jill 🌸