I would like to ask you what subjects that you would like me to present to you this year. I plan on sending out content on a regular basis and I want to answer the things that you need and want to hear!
There are many things that we absolutely need to have to breakthrough to new areas in our lives! Faith, vision, joy, dreams…we’ve got to have these things to move forward and I am here to help you!!
The more I conquer these things, the more I can impart to you! I have come out of many hard places and the word for me this year is:
I am reclaiming many things that have been robbed from me in my life. This was by generational curses, wrong choices or various ways. I am breaking off old patterns and bringing new patterns into being. I am doing this with many ancient and new principles and laws that have been set into place!
I’m standing firm on my ground! All of heaven and earth are on my side and I have a legal right to win! I have a right to have life more abundant because my Heavenly Father gave it to me and I receive it. It’s that simple!
I’m not being flaky and goofy about this! I’m just having a positive perspective and stepping into my identity and destiny that I have been purposed to do! It’s not that hard, we just have to be willing.
•Let me know what you want to hear!
•Be willing!
•Start taking the steps to receive it!
•Life starts changing
•Abundance starts coming forth
•Peace comes
•Dreams fulfilled
•Vision from heaven
Find your own unique call and we will help dig you out of the dirt and move you to healthy soil so you can bloom…🌸