Courage does not come from us…it comes from Heaven. Have you ever been backed into a corner and not known which way to turn? I sent this quote to my sister in law that is in the hospital today waiting for the port to start receiving chemo… that’s when reality about life and death really hits… that’s when the little worries you had seem like nothing… that’s when you need a miracle❣️
Let’s be encouraged to make each day count in our lives… let the important things be the important things…encourage others and help them rise up❣️ Let’s not take things for granted❣️
Blessings, Joy, Healing, and Prosperity to all of you this holiday season…
Remember….Just for today…
Lord make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Father, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console, to be understood as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
I love that and it’s a good thing to TRY to be! As we begin to walk through this holiday season let’s try to remember all of these things instead of what the perfect gift may be… how can we gift people’s souls?
I’m speaking to myself❣️
Let’s try to change the world❣️
We can do this❣️
No judgment, just LOVE❣️
You are important to others❣️
See you soon❣️