When you are creating something you throw many things away to make a new thing. Just like it is with our lives. We throw many things away to find the true path.
The things that are not supposed to be in our lives are always being thrown aside to make way for the new. NOTHING is wasted along the path. We made an ad a few weeks back and I sent it out… our purpose has already changed and we are in the process of making a new one.
This is so, so true… what did we learn in the first ad that we made? Many things! If we learn something, even in a failure, it is not wasted. It will be used to help perfect the next one that we make, which is being put together!
We went and saw a movie last night that was put together by a complete amateur. We got to shake his hand, talk to him, and see that someone that totally knew NOTHING about what he was doing, pulled this off and people are watching it.
It takes courage to step out and do that and you know that he made mistakes along the way, but stepping out and failing is better than sitting back and doing nothing!
Go ahead and fail forward in anything that you do… it’s the only way to grow and learn. It’s about progress not perfection!! So get in a process and start making progress!! You can for sure accomplish what you are supposed to be doing if you take that first step!!
Step out there!!
You CAN do it!!
Learn to FAIL forward!
Mainly don’t give up when things are imperfect!
Progress NOT perfection!!
You got this!!
See you soon!!❤️