Life is about process…

The moment we think that we may have arrived someplace in our life, we see that we are in a process again. Process is not negative it is change and it is exciting!

When you are creating something you throw many things away to make a new thing. Just like it is with our lives. We throw many things away to find the true path.

The things that are not supposed to be in our lives are always being thrown aside to make way for the new. NOTHING is wasted along the path. We made an ad a few weeks back and I sent it out… our purpose has already changed and we are in the process of making a new one.

This is so, so true… what did we learn in the first ad that we made? Many things! If we learn something, even in a failure, it is not wasted. It will be used to help perfect the next one that we make, which is being put together!

We went and saw a movie last night that was put together by a complete amateur. We got to shake his hand, talk to him, and see that someone that totally knew NOTHING about what he was doing, pulled this off and people are watching it.

It takes courage to step out and do that and you know that he made mistakes along the way, but stepping out and failing is better than sitting back and doing nothing!

Go ahead and fail forward in anything that you do… it’s the only way to grow and learn. It’s about progress not perfection!! So get in a process and start making progress!! You can for sure accomplish what you are supposed to be doing if you take that first step!!

Step out there!!

You CAN do it!!

Learn to FAIL forward!

Mainly don’t give up when things are imperfect!

Progress NOT perfection!!

You got this!!

See you soon!!❤️

Talk about Restoration…

Well on Saturday we got to join my 2 stepbrothers, whom I had never met, my husband, Dad, brother, and nephew to clean out my Dad’s home that we had just moved him out of.

He had left my mom after 44 years of marriage and married another woman. This had happened 20 something years ago. I’m sure you can imagine that this was quite a sad day! I prayed for him for many years that I would get to talk to him and be around him before he passed away.

Well this process started and we went and moved all of his things out. There had been a period of time that I didn’t get to be in touch with him and I thought about different things that he had wood carved and was sorry that I didn’t get any of them. I had thought about all of the home movies that he had taken and I probably would never see them again.

I just have to share, I got to stand in a room of my 95 year old Dad’s house and remind him of things like the movies and he would practically run to get them. We got in the top of a closet and there was a beautiful hand carved nativity scene that my Dad had hand carved….I have wanted one of those all my life!! 😵

Then he handed me the letter that I had sent him trying to get him to wake up and come home… he had kept it all those years. My stepbrothers would joke and laugh about how they knew someone that wanted to buy these things and my Dad said, “No!! These are hers!!” He fought for me more powerful than he ever had in my life!!

He then gave me this:

And this:

The most important thing was that we got him back. How many of you are waiting to get someone to come back that you have had to let go of? I couldn’t imagine how there would ever be restoration for any of this but there is always HOPE for RESTORATION.

Marty and I got to watch the home movies that my Dad had turned into DVDs. He got to see our family vacations and our family’s Christmas together. Such special memories. I even got to show some of them to my 91 year old Mom yesterday! Who would have thought I would get to do that one day. I am so grateful!💜

Always HOPE!


It may not get answered how we thought it would but something good will happen!

Be willing to SHIFT your thinking!!

You have a story that will turn out well!!

Never give up!!

See you soon!!❤️

October 🍁🍂🍁

Let’s make October great!! It really is up to us, you know! We can either crawl in with our heads beat down and our tails between our legs feeling overcome and beat up or we can say this:

This was from my coach yesterday morning on her page!! I loved this and I am learning more and more that what we believe actually comes forth!

I know that I have to fight off all the negative things that try to overtake my mind each day! These things were sent to stop us dead in our tracks from pursuing our dreams and destiny!

We need to get up each morning and tap into our source that is bigger than us to make us make it through the day shining and spilling over to help others in their lives!

Joy gives us power and strength!! Try to seek out the things that make you joyful today! That is different for different folks! I’m sitting here this am and I’m looking outside at the beautiful fall morning! It’s my mom’s 91 birthday today! I’m so grateful for that and I’m taking her up to see her sister in our old hometown! That brings me joy today!!

I think I will try to stay tapped into joy everyday throughout October! Yesterday I succeeded in getting a Facebook ad on that I had been working on for several weeks! That almost felt the same as publishing a book to me! Launching something brand new out into the atmosphere for the world to see!! Wow I like to create new things!! It is really hard… but when it is finished it is so, so worth it!

What are some things that you will do everyday to find joy through October? You definitely don’t compare your life to anyone else’s life on this earth! That can get us into self-pity and not being content with what we have!!

Every one of us has losses and hard times!! Those smiling faces on Facebook have many tears and pretense behind them!! We have to choose to take our hardships and turn them to Stepping Stones!! Hey that’s in my book:

Yes I’ve lived a whole life of Turning my Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones! We have to keep up the faith, hope, and dreams that are imparted into us!

Your life is supposed to be your life! Just learn the lessons as you walk through it! Your life is amazing! You have been given everything to make it fabulous and successful… now just do it!!!

Change things if you have to!! Wake some things back up!! Find new people, new adventures and new thoughts and mindsets!! You can and will do this!!

Start now!!

Take the plunge!!

Don’t compare!!

Don’t pity yourself!!

Make your story come alive!!


See you soon!!❤️