Let others be who they are…

Well, it has surely been a while. Just want to talk about letting others be themselves. This is something that isn’t always easy to do.

Seeing that others have a different personality is very important. We were not all put on this earth to be the same. It’s really interesting when you do these personality tests and see how one person responds to something one way and another responds exactly the opposite!

The test is being patient, letting things roll off, and not taking things personally from others. Easier said that done. I think if we can always keep an eye on the log in our own eye, it’s easier to not see the stick in someone else’s.

The hardest trial seems to be loving other’s unconditionally!! Sometimes if we can do just that, it can bless them and give them the strength to go on!!

Its good to even learn how to welcome and celebrate other’s differences!! They could be strong in an area we are weak in!! Sometimes we can hold us up, other times we can hold them up!!

The group of kids we help out with on Wednesday nights are really a good example of this. We just keep loving on them and they are changing!! We are changing also!! You can’t be politically correct with these kids!!

Actually it messes up any plan that you have and any idea to do things a certain way!! You just have to wing it and go with it!! The sooner we can learn to do that the better it flows!!

Sometimes we just can’t have all the ducks in a row!!! Some ducks dance, some ducks sing, some ducks are quiet, some ducks are loud and every one of them is ok, just the way they are, doing just what they are doing!!

We just have to pray and let things go!! Enjoy life, take things lightly, go with the flow of things!! Let people live!! Get yourself cleaned up on the inside!!


Sow good seeds!❤

Let your light shine❤

Be unique❤

Let others be unique❤

See you soon❤

I”m writing, writing, writing my book❤

Be yourself…

Just encouraging you to let your personality shine wherever you go. Don’t give up you for anybody!! Sometimes I have a hard time sticking to this. I start wanting to make the people around me happy, be what they want me to be.

Then I have to remember to be who I am and what God created me to be!! We can even influence people and help them be who they are created to be!!

Lots of times when people are being grumpy it’s because they have lost their way. They are not happy with themselves and stopped remembering who they are and how they shine!

We need to remind them and make it start happening for them again!! My tendency used to be to back off from them if they are being grumpy because it stings. Now I see that I need to come back with speaking who they are and bring it back to life in them.

I am in a new writing class and I absolutely love it! The first thing they had us do was get an acountabilitibuddy… they had a long list of people on there, where they were from, their email, and what their books are about. I love that because it was interactive and that is me.

I picked a lady from Georgia, she and I are matched so perfectly. She has a prayer network and is praying for me in all areas of life. I am so grateful for that! I am doing the same for her!! I ran into something the other day and she was just the voice I needed to hear.

Writing the book is pretty challenging for me, so I haven’t been writing here as much! I will keep you posted what’s going on and I am going to have a private launch page on Facebook so a group of people can help me get it launched.They are teaching me every little thing step by step!!

I also just talked to a young lady that goes to the local college that will help me transcribe, use Word, and put things on a hard drive!! Woo hoo!! Coming together!!

I thank you all for reading and giving me feedback and support! I do feel that writing is one of the ways that I can share my experience, strength, and hope with others.

Keep pursuing you, and what you were put here for. It could be a very simple thing for today, like being a Mom, in your workplace, or where you go to church.

Nothing is wasted. You shining where you are meant to be, can open up doors down the road that you can’t imagine.

Be a blessing today❤

Keep shining❤

This world needs you❤

Don’t give up❤

See you soon❤

Encouraging yourself

Sometimes this seems like an impossible thing to do. We want everyone around us to be in tune with how well we are doing or how nice we look or whatever.

Sometimes we just have to listen to that still, small voice inside of us and encourage ourself. Holy Spirit is that still, small voice and we have to let it speak louder and be the voice that we listen to and not the other voice that keeps telling us that you are nothing, you are worthless, no one really cares about you!!! Lies, lies, lies!!

Learn to chase those stinkin lies away!! Wow, I’m so outta my comfort zone right now,  that I have to do that lots. Then it just becomes second nature.

Even if someone treats you badly. Really, if you didn’t do anything wrong to them, then the issue just might be them, and not you!! We don’t have to take other people’s shame and guilt on!!

It’s so freeing to realize these things. Sometimes people would like to project their own issues on you!! Well we really don’t have to deal with their stuff!!

1 Samuel 30:6 is about David encouraging himself in the Lord. Different versions say it different ways, but he had many things coming against him and had to learn how to encourage himself in the Lord.

I have to do some things this morning, get up in front of people, the enemy would like to tell me that I can’t do this, but I will say, ” Yes, I will encourage myself in the Lord, and I WILL do what God wants me to do!! ”

Yesterday I had to do it too, even while I’m writing this, I have to do it! We just have to listen to the voice of truth!!

Don’t give in to those lies❤

Listen to encouraging words❤

Sometimes people are too beat down themselves, to encourage us, so we have to encourage them, along with encouraging ourselves!!❤

The more we lift up others, the more we will be lifted up, even if we don’t see it for a while!!❤

Pay it forward!❤

Be blessed today and don’t give up!!❤

See you soon❤

Finding the gold…

This is what I love to do!! I can’t say that I always do it perfectly but it is my goal to find the gold and pull it out of whoever I am around.

I want to show Jesus to a cruel world that doesn’t understand who HE is. I am someone that needs lots of encouragement to keep going so I figure lots of others do too!!

Some people have only heard lies about themselves and we need to help them know the truth about who they really are. Sometimes we can speak what someone is into existence.

I somehow got this video the other day about a young man that was only 19 and dropped out of college because he wanted to be an entrepreneur and he didn’t feel like his professor  really knew how to teach him to do that.

Actually, the young man was right. He wrote a book and it went viral. He now has a Self Publishing School and helps many many folks write books and publish them in 3 months.

After I watched this, I got so inspired. I know that I have lots of words to help others. I started praying whether I should join his school because I need help in publishing a book.

I wanted to just jump in but I’m not really impulsive about spending money like that. It was around $300 to join. And that much 2 more times. I had a man that popped into HERRIN from France, a young man named Pasgal. Pasgal spoke over me that I would have many best sellers and even help others publish books.

Well how would I help others publish books if I didn’t know how to publish one myself? Prophecy is still real for today. You have to weigh it out and check it out and wait for confirmation, but it is a gift that is still in operation today. In fact, I have had it spoke over me many times that I would write a book.

It happened Sunday night, I got my confirmation. We go to a fellowship in Herrin on Sunday nights and Marty went out to get the car and bring it up to the door. I looked out and saw a guy out there talking to him so I waited.

Finally, the guy came in and I went out. I didn’t even ask for a little while what he said. Then I said, ” Oh, what did Carl say?” Marty said, “Oh! He said that someone was going to ask me for $300 dollars and I was supposed to give it to them!” Bingo!! You can’t make these things up!!

That’s all I needed to know that I was supposed to proceed on with plans!! Sometimes when something is spoken over us like that, we have to have faith to proceed on with walking it out! There is a price to pay sometimes!!

But why wouldn’t God want me to do this? It’s about HIM and not me anyway!! I joined yesterday!!

Books are coming❤

No doubts now❤

Finding the gold in others❤

Don’t give up❤

Get around the right folks❤

See you soon❤


Just want to encourage you today to remember to enjoy life. It doesn’t matter what you are dealing with, find little nuggets along the way. Life isn’t meant to be just endured, it’s meant for fulfillment and pleasure along the way.

If we are finding ourselves in a place where we aren’t enjoying life, it might be time to check out what we are doing. Are we letting someone else steal our joy? Are we letting bitternesss or unforgiveness steal our joy?? Are we being stubborn or unteachable about something or someone?

We can’t have lots of things going on inside and really enjoy life, we have to throw them overboard!! Yes!! Gotta get rid of excess baggage!!

I’m so excited right now because I am a people person and getting to know lots of new people. It’s so fun because it ends up being such a small world. Someone from here ends up knowing someone from there and what it all boils down to is that we are all connected in one way or another.

Life can be fun and we can enjoy!! There is always that opposition coming along trying to stop us! It can sneak up from nowhere!! In fact, it’s so funny… I actually wrote this a couple of days ago and decided that I wanted to put a song on here. Well, I played around trying to figure out how to get it on here and ended up not posting the page for about 3 days!!

See what I mean?? Opposition!! I started writing a new page this morning and couldn’t think of anything to write about!! Bahaha!!! That’s a lie and a joke!! Almost fell for it and I decided to pick up this post again!!

This week the reality of the way we are really getting to help so many people hit me. Wow!! These middle school children and the things they deal with!! Tugs at your heart. Some don’t want to go home. I’m so happy to get to love on them. Then the adults we have the honor of ministering to and praying for… I have to say I ENJOY doing this, it’s what I was created for.

I hope you can find good things about life today!! I get to meet 3 friends for lunch today, move a young friend’s things to a storage building, that we got in a home for girls that have been sex trafficked, see 2 grandchildren for a couple of hours, and have a date night with my man!!

That’s a fun day after a busy week!! I hope life is treating you well!! Remember to enjoy!! Remember to take care of you in the middle of other things!! I mean really do that!!!

Smell the roses🌹

Include Jesus and prayer❤

Help others❤

Keep moving forward❤

Throw baggage overboard❤

See you soon❤